Unfazed in war using count nefarious

Can you please make unfazed not effect count nefarious evade because it makes him impossible to use in war or bg attack. I was exited to rank him for hazard shift lanes in war only to find out very quickly that he is unusable vs the unfazed mastery.
Then I remembered
Champions with Evades/counter-evades have always had to be careful against opponents who might be running Unfazed. Why should Count Nefaria get special treatment?
Funny how stuff like this can be easily fixed, but leaving them unfixed almost makes the said champ unusable, still kabam refuse to fix such stuff.
Day 29 of asking omega sentinel be able to refresh incenerates via sp1.
Elsa can't Parry-stun either: she Evades on any well-timed block, and then potentially eats an unstoppable counter-attack.
Ham can Evade, and then he's got an opponent who's both Unstoppable and Taunted. He's least affected by the group, since you can parry, and can avoid Evading without messing him up too much.
Negative is even worse off. Yes, he can Parry-stun, but his whole rotation is thrown off - his problem is beautifully described here by Squidopus: Given that Elsa, Negs and Nefaria all now have Synergies to counter unstoppable, it's pretty certain that this was a deliberate balancing decision by Kabam, who (if you read these screenshots from his release notes) are obviously well aware of how he'll be affected by Unfazed:
Use Ironman synergy if count is your mvp then.