Unfazed in war using count nefarious



  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,246 ★★★★★
    Just for clarity on how helpful Count Nefaria's synergy with Iron Man will be:

    (1) At least it's with a widely-available champion, who's a genuinely useful War champion.
    (2) Decelerate supplies a flat reduction of 15%; whilst Unfazed scales this way:

    So with one Decelerate, an opponent with two points in Unfazed only has a 7% chance to trigger.
    With two Decelerates, anyone with fewer than four points in Unfazed can't trigger at all.

    I don't think a lot of people will be running 4-5 points in Unfazed, to be honest.
  • HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Member Posts: 1,100 ★★★★
    Definitely good champ with the synergy but BGs is not going to be a good look for him.
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,455 ★★★★★
    Lokx said:

    It feels like kabam will only disable masteries that effect defenders but never attackers. You could argue photons willpower being disabled is a advantage for attack too, but the design feels more intended for defence.

    You mean like how shathra shuts off stand your ground?
  • Jkw634Jkw634 Member Posts: 297 ★★
    Just faced it for the first time in aw. 2 separate fights. Unfazed triggered 100%.
  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★
    You can test to see if they have the unfazed mastery before you bring Nefaria into war. Tap the persons name on the war map annd view their profile, then duel them using Count Nefaria and you’ll be able to see if they have the mastery or not. If they do, then use a different mastery. But I’m willing to bet most of the time they won’t have it.
  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★
    Squidopus said:

    You can test to see if they have the unfazed mastery before you bring Nefaria into war. Tap the persons name on the war map annd view their profile, then duel them using Count Nefaria and you’ll be able to see if they have the mastery or not. If they do, then use a different mastery. But I’m willing to bet most of the time they won’t have it.

    Does that work anymore? Used to when we had one mastery setup but nowadays people have a dedicated war defense mastery setup that automatically applies for you. Wouldn’t surprise me to know that people run unfazed in their war defense setup to catch things like Kate vs. stun immunes but don’t bother in their normal mastery setups that are applied when you duel them. That’s certainly what I do at least.
    Oh dang I forgot about the mastery set ups, I don’t think it will work anymore then. I personally haven’t seen it before and I’ve used a lot of Kate on path 5 in plat 2. But maybe higher tiers where it’s more competitive it could be more common. Definitely something to watch out for.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,246 ★★★★★

    If champs like onslaught and photon can turn off masteries, Count should turn off unfazed, little ridiculous that was an oversight.

    Should Elsa Bloodstone, Spider-Ham and Mister Negative turn off Unfazed, too?

    Champions with Evades/counter-evades have always had to be careful against opponents who might be running Unfazed. Why should Count Nefaria get special treatment?
    Because the way he evades and is used is completely different. With those champs at least you can parry stun, but the way nefarious is played is as soon as you do the first parry you get instantly wrecked by an unstoppable attack.
    Sorry mate, but that's not right.

    Elsa can't Parry-stun either: she Evades on any well-timed block, and then potentially eats an unstoppable counter-attack.

    Ham can Evade, and then he's got an opponent who's both Unstoppable and Taunted. He's least affected by the group, since you can parry, and can avoid Evading without messing him up too much.

    Negative is even worse off. Yes, he can Parry-stun, but his whole rotation is thrown off - his problem is beautifully described here by Squidopus:
    Squidopus said:

    I think Count is a little different than the other champs mentioned because he literally needs to evade to ramp up. That’s how he was built. Unfazed doesn’t shut down those other champs just takes a piece of utility away potentially that’s not required for their ramp up.

    I mean no Nefaria isn’t really unique in that regard. Elsa isn’t hard reliant on her evade but she definitely takes a hit without it, plus she can’t disable her evade so if the opponent has unfazed you just can’t safely parry ever. Mr. Negative is also extremely reliant on his evade to ramp too. The only other way to convert light energy to dark energy is sp1, which is possible to make use of but I find it pretty tight to go from sp1 to sp2 before the dark energy expires and straight up impossible if you want to go for sp3. Needing to throw out 1 or 2 sp1s instead of just going straight sp2 is also way slower. I’d definitely avoid Elsa against an opponent with unfazed or an evade countering ability, and I’d just straight up ditch Negative completely in such a scenario. I’d argue Negative at least is equally as hurt by unfazed as Nefaria.
    Given that Elsa, Negs and Nefaria all now have Synergies to counter unstoppable, it's pretty clear this was a deliberate balancing decision by Kabam, who are well aware of how he'll be affected by Unfazed:
    Squidopus said:

    You can test to see if they have the unfazed mastery before you bring Nefaria into war. Tap the persons name on the war map annd view their profile, then duel them using Count Nefaria and you’ll be able to see if they have the mastery or not. If they do, then use a different mastery. But I’m willing to bet most of the time they won’t have it.

    Does that work anymore? Used to when we had one mastery setup but nowadays people have a dedicated war defense mastery setup that automatically applies for you. Wouldn’t surprise me to know that people run unfazed in their war defense setup to catch things like Kate vs. stun immunes but don’t bother in their normal mastery setups that are applied when you duel them. That’s certainly what I do at least.

    My War defenders don't inflict bleed and aren't Mystic; so for my War masteries, all the points that would normally be in Deep Wounds and Mystic Dispersion are in things like Unfazed, Stand Your Ground, etc.
  • VaniteliaVanitelia Member Posts: 566 ★★★
    I use Nef in war and there are workarounds. You can still build up your charges without evading. It'll take longer, but you get buildups through other means (if they regen/gain power, via your sp1, etc.). You won't be able to do your standard loop of one sp1, then sp2. Not a big deal. You can also parry projectiles from specials if they have them so you don't have to worry about unfazed clipping you.

    Even if unfazed triggers and you get combo'd, his resistances make him really tanky and you can regen the health back. He's a safe option and that's pretty nice to have in AW.
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