Hardest ,maybe rare champ to pull... (Normal, not trophy or paid by whales)



  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,685 ★★★★★
    edited September 2024

    Hardest to pull is probably Punisher as a 6* as that requires you do arena a lot and hope to pull him

    yeah, but it seems the Max Sig Iron Fist is a lot more elusive. that may be sample bias on my end, small data pool, but most my alliance have caught Frank as a 6*, and most (who I know are putting in max sig work) haven’t pulled mr Karate PJs as anything higher than a 4*.
    Why are they trying to get him? Just curious to know the reasons
    Collection purposes, and hope he gets buffed
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,635 ★★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    Hardest to pull is probably Punisher as a 6* as that requires you do arena a lot and hope to pull him

    yeah, but it seems the Max Sig Iron Fist is a lot more elusive. that may be sample bias on my end, small data pool, but most my alliance have caught Frank as a 6*, and most (who I know are putting in max sig work) haven’t pulled mr Karate PJs as anything higher than a 4*.
    Why are they trying to get him? Just curious to know the reasons
    Collection purposes, and hope he gets buffed
    Cool. I hope y'all get him then!
  • tufo24tufo24 Member Posts: 67
    The champ that has been out the longest that I still don't have as a 6* is the Destroyer. Not counting trophy champs or special crystal champs.
  • PrentexPrentex Member Posts: 414 ★★
    Can't wait for 7* Immortal Iron Fist being available with the max sig 6* crystals. 6* Immortal Iron Fist is probably one of the rarest champs out there
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    I've been playing this game pretty religiously since 2017, so I took a look at which champions I'm missing as 6*s.

    * OG Punisher
    * Goldpool
    * Weapon X
    * Thanos
    * Kang

    The three last champs are basically only available either through paid offers or by getting really lucky from the Banquet crystals, so let's disregard them.

    That leaves OG Punisher and Goldpool. I'd throw in Immortal Iron Fist that I was lucky to pull a while ago. All three of those champs have a very slim chance of being pulled from specific crystals that you don't have to buy anything to get. The crystals are exceedingly commonplace, it's just that the chance to pull them is so miniscule that most people probably don't have them in their rosters despite having opened tons of those crystals.
  • Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Member Posts: 678 ★★★

    Why are they trying to get him? Just curious to know the reasons

    Collection purposes, and hope he gets buffed

    Cool. I hope y'all get him then!

    half right, it’s the elusively.6M-7M accounts, been playing for too long, you just kinda want to round it out, Pokémon style.
    it’s unlikely, but God willing they do buff him? maybe just a strong synergy w/ Captain Karen to make them armor breaks drop some burst damage? on her side, bump frequency/ duration/ intensity of her armor breaks? you’re the CMM herald, what’choo think? o)

  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,634 ★★★★★

    So... I was correct!
    Electro and Aegon with 11 votes
    Hardest champs to pull

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