(Re, this Dorky one, and the supposed, basically, Patience is Virtue one) I believe they may be having some fun with us.
Whether one was indeed intended but leaked early, so pulled back and/or released again now (but, didn’t we already get an Iceman one not too long ago though).
Or they see some random supposed codes just being tossed out there (like, and no I haven’t seen this yet, but I’ll say it here) “EarlyJune”, and so decide to actually make than a valid code, for some short amount or random time. Just to see Forums continue in conspiracy codes, lol.
Interesting that it shows you an Iceman on the WebStore after entering the Promo Code for DorkysBackAlright
But when you go in game, it actually gives you 2x Reunion Crystals (thx to DNA in another thread for detailing that).
I hadn’t actually gone back into game until just now after reading that, and saw yes it is 2x Reunion. Just assumed it was gonna be another Iceman Dup.
(JK. but why the 3rd post about this so far)
RichtheMan said Kabam guys disabled
I believe they may be having some fun with us.
Whether one was indeed intended but leaked early, so pulled back and/or released again now (but, didn’t we already get an Iceman one not too long ago though).
Or they see some random supposed codes just being tossed out there (like, and no I haven’t seen this yet, but I’ll say it here) “EarlyJune”, and so decide to actually make than a valid code, for some short amount or random time.
Just to see Forums continue in conspiracy codes, lol.
But when you go in game, it actually gives you 2x Reunion Crystals (thx to DNA in another thread for detailing that).
I hadn’t actually gone back into game until just now after reading that, and saw yes it is 2x Reunion. Just assumed it was gonna be another Iceman Dup.
Got some usefull items 👍