Mr Fantastic Evade Bug.

SacrificialSacrificial Member Posts: 72
edited September 2024 in Bugs and Known Issues
Using crossbones against Mr Fantastic, he evades me despite the fact that I have 10 furies up, reducing his defensive AA to 0. I’ve read through his abilities a few times at this point, am I missing something? I’ve had the same problem with black cat in the past (in necropolis), but just figured I wasn’t using her correctly.

I see now that it may just be a bug with Mr. F. It’s worth noting that this is 9.1.2, meaning you can’t reduce the AA of nodes, but you should still be able to reduce his Evade chance to 0.


  • SacrificialSacrificial Member Posts: 72
    This is the node for any wondering

  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,644 ★★★★★
    Mr F can have a higher than 100% evade chance.
    There's some code shenanigans here.
  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 713 ★★★
    If I recall correctly the way Mr fantastic works is really dependent on when you place the debuffs on him or yourself. Ie if you had 0 debuffs either way he is 0. If he had 1 then you got your ability reduction you can lower it back to 0 but if your ability reduction is already applied then 1 debuff happens he starts climbing again as the reduction was already applied.

    Hopefully I worded that understandable. It has always been the case caught me out so many times way back when with Falcon.
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