Parry is still broke

How do you manage to fix something and it stays together for a week then just snaps back to being completely useless? It's not just coincidental that beneficial things can't stay working properly. Maybe a couple times, it's been 7 months. Get it together some of us put real hard earned money into this game, not to mention the time we've invested in this poorly managed game. PARRY ISNT TRIGGERING HALF THE TIME, MAYBE A FOURTH THE TIME. My reaction time hasn't changed my device isn't 2 months old, iPhone 7+ I don't even keep pictures or other apps on my phone to make sure it's working at peak performance. The issue is and will always be on your end. The game worked just fine a year ago.
As Ongell said, I have also the feeling that perfect timed parries doesn't work all the time and some not so good ones does. How can this be?
Champions stuck/lag, enemies are evading and instant attacking/dashing forward in 0.1 sec, own evades are to short or useless when not exactly timed to 0.1 sec before the hit (like mike said), 60-80% of alle SP1 are blocked after 4 hit combo and so on....
There is so much wrong in the game, but what does kabam? Increased the shop prices and tried to sell 110€ packages as ever.
Fix the stupid fighting engine!
Reduce shop prices!
Give more mission rewards!
Make more synergies!
Fight arena botting!
And you will see you will earn money not hate...