Current at Uru III, but due to input issues such "reverse controls when I want to dash forward", or "let me stand for second or 2 while the AI gives me a hard "pounding when I really want to dash forward". Other than that, "It's all copasetic"!
I was at 147 points. Was gonna just park there and let myself fall to wherever I fall. Got bored the other day and fell all the way down to 80 and struggling to get back up
Also gc rewards are crop, unless you're mysterium or celestial. Even as a relic enthusiast, the relic stuff are mid (get better offers in bg store and glory store). Titan crystals? Who even want then nowadays. I'll rather have basics over titan.
Uru III. Been in GC for two weeks. Hit gamma rank early on doing 2 day objectives because of low numbers on GC. Then everyone else showed up and that was the end of that. Kudos to those who climb GC. The margin for error along with the necessary roster size is just beyond me. I am thankful for the VC medal changes so the journey there is fun and challenging without being punitive at least.
I was at 396 which was celestial 6 on Monday. I saw that number of points had me at the bottom 10 of C6 so I wanted to win a couple games. Tilted down to 330 something so I’m parked now in mysterium 1
Currently Arcane II, trying to see if I can push into Quantum but my ranking seems to have stabilized here. Not great at this meta. I’ve always ended up at the bottom of GC in Uru or Gamma if I’m lucky, but last season I randomly made it all the way to Quantum 1 and I guess I’m now suddenly good enough to hang out in this sorta range.
I was at 396 which was celestial 6 on Monday. I saw that number of points had me at the bottom 10 of C6 so I wanted to win a couple games. Tilted down to 330 something so I’m parked now in mysterium 1
The classic. Playing in the last day is dangerous AF if you want to make C6+
So are the thresholds fixed or do they move depending on the amount of players from the top down?
The thresholds for each rank are “top X scores” so yeah the points required for each rank do fluctuate over time, usually increasing. This is why “parking” in a high spot is only somewhat effective; your 200 score might be good enough to land in Arcane for some time, but eventually as people climb higher you’ll gradually slide down even if you don’t lose any more games.
Typically settle out in Gamma/Uru since I play little after hitting GC.
Dr. Zola
Was parked in mysterium 3 yesterday but people passed me. Won't try to get it back
Maybe with better champ progression I can reach GC