I still find it funny that the "Hacker" got into his apple account and all he worries about is an MCoC account....
Whats more funny is that first priority was to control my apple ID and anything related, i took care of that as it took 1-2 days, changed bank card. Now looking into my mcoc account to fix, Whats the problem??
That you didn't get hacked, you gave your information away. That is not hacking, its "HaCKinG"
I still find it funny that the "Hacker" got into his apple account and all he worries about is an MCoC account....
Whats more funny is that first priority was to control my apple ID and anything related, i took care of that as it took 1-2 days, changed bank card. Now looking into my mcoc account to fix, Whats the problem??
I still find it funny that the "Hacker" got into his apple account and all he worries about is an MCoC account....
Whats more funny is that first priority was to control my apple ID and anything related, i took care of that as it took 1-2 days, changed bank card. Now looking into my mcoc account to fix, Whats the problem??
Nobody believes you.
Well it doesn't really matter if we believe him or not, as long as support believes him... Oh wait...
Didn’t we shut this down for a reason ? You gave your info away to someone a while ago, they found the info again and stole your account, there is no “ pro hacker “ it’s just someone who is good at looking through messages, and someone who has spite for you. Sorry this happened, start a new account or something, complaining on forums is not going to do anything for you. Good luck.
I can help you with this one. He's limejuice. But he wasn't always limejuice. But now someone else is limejuice. Or he is the someone else that wasn't limejuice but is now limejuice. But limejuice wasn't limejuice before but now is limejuice. And now 2 people want to be limejuice. But support said no one can be limejuice because whoever is limejuice gave away or sold info and neither limejuice can prove to be the one true limejuice. Now the world is without limejuice.
I can help you with this one. He's limejuice. But he wasn't always limejuice. But now someone else is limejuice. Or he is the someone else that wasn't limejuice but is now limejuice. But limejuice wasn't limejuice before but now is limejuice. And now 2 people want to be limejuice. But support said no one can be limejuice because whoever is limejuice gave away or sold info and neither limejuice can prove to be the one true limejuice. Now the world is without limejuice.
You forum regulars are just nasty people. I don't know how most of you haven't been banned. What is the point of responding to this thread? Oh right. High school vibes. Keep on cooking...
You forum regulars are just nasty people. I don't know how most of you haven't been banned. What is the point of responding to this thread? Oh right. High school vibes. Keep on cooking...
Same point you had for commenting this weird post. Because we can. We share the same space. Get over it.
You forum regulars are just nasty people. I don't know how most of you haven't been banned. What is the point of responding to this thread? Oh right. High school vibes. Keep on cooking...
Oh you are no Prince Nice Charming Sweetums yourself...
You forum regulars are just nasty people. I don't know how most of you haven't been banned. What is the point of responding to this thread? Oh right. High school vibes. Keep on cooking...
If your on forums your one of us, so get over it or hop off, you wouldn’t be missed.
I can help you with this one. He's limejuice. But he wasn't always limejuice. But now someone else is limejuice. Or he is the someone else that wasn't limejuice but is now limejuice. But limejuice wasn't limejuice before but now is limejuice. And now 2 people want to be limejuice. But support said no one can be limejuice because whoever is limejuice gave away or sold info and neither limejuice can prove to be the one true limejuice. Now the world is without limejuice.
Got it?
I think if you say Limejuice 3 times he gets summoned here.
That is not hacking, its "HaCKinG"
Got it?