What lead to quitting after 9 years

Well Yeah most have known by now my account got hacked etc and some saying you got scammed by Selling or hiring merc etc. Think what you want. I provided everything to kabam, including all purchases every year, only thing hacker knew was my original email and name so it was compromised. Even my forums got hacked. F u hacker(period)

Post edited by KabamPinwheel on
This discussion has been closed.
In September,21 you asked about to change password.
It was you or the other guy?
before during and after the hack?
At least it's resolved and you don't have to worry about dealing with it anymore.
"I disagree. Give it out!" Hahaha
Man hacking information for verification, that's some hardcore hacking...
Person who stole (acquired, or however, etc), this person's actual Microsoft email login/password (which might have been same used for game), so was also able to then login to that game account and forum acct using same info.
So that other person started using that Halibul.. forum account just this month (as login was probably same) starting with those (“how do I change email / password” posts up here).
Definite change in writing/post style starting with this month.
Prior to that, that forum account posts were likely indeed this “LimeJuice” original poster here (who couldn’t get at their Halibul.. forum account anymore, or game acct too, after the “breach”).
Wonder if Kabam has disabled the Halibul.. forum account now too (that person hadn’t been back since Kabam responded in one of them).
Doesn't explain how the "hacker" managed to pull info from the apple account. Like date of creation, purchases. All this without triggering a verification from hotmail or apple.
This really seems like an account sale gone bad. Glad the account is closed.
We’ll see what the game team says about this tomorrow. Good luck OP