The reward you receive will be based on your progression within the game
Thronebreaker and up will receive a free 6-Star Champion Uncollected and up will receive a free 5-Star Champion Players who are not yet uncollected will receive a free 4-Star Champion
I had used other email to log in to the kabam id.... so i have to enter my own email or that email i have used in game to receive eagle bird reward. Plz suggest me !
Thronebreaker and up will receive a free 6-Star Champion
Uncollected and up will receive a free 5-Star Champion
Players who are not yet uncollected will receive a free 4-Star Champion
Enjoying being roped in with Paragons and TBs 😘
so i have to enter my own email or that email i have used in game to receive eagle bird reward.
Plz suggest me !