Lets Go Kabaam! Time for a Magik

Need to make this go Viral and get Kabaams attention…..
All these years have passed. Tons of new champs and seeing 7*s being introduced.
Think its about time to bring back one of the OGs. Top Mystic IMO.
Think its Time for Magik to finally come out as a 6*….
Anybody else!?!!!?!?
All these years have passed. Tons of new champs and seeing 7*s being introduced.
Think its about time to bring back one of the OGs. Top Mystic IMO.
Think its Time for Magik to finally come out as a 6*….
Anybody else!?!!!?!?
She *only* has power control, and debuff reliant power control too, which isn't the best.
Quake will never be anything but a 5*. Keep dreaming
2. We have official statements that Magik and Quake will not be coming as 6*s
Again I'll repeat. No need to rehash this discussion AGAIN especially so soon
It would be interesting to see and probably better than most of what we've seen so far.
Anyone who says that Magik is useless or "only" has power control doesn't understand the game at all. It's the combination of this very strong power control and limbo that makes her a problem. She already prevents the opponent from using special attacks, and if she misses, she still has the chance to get all her life back after a combo.
- She is too slow in bgs as attacker, and ain't gonna counter serpent (But can be a good bullseye counter).
- Not usable in AW.
- Not useful in everest content
- Maybe useful in Story quest, but story quests are easy nowadays.
The only thing being broken about her is her defensive prowess. She deals huge limbo damage, If kabak changes her limbo damage to scale with basic attack then she would be a balanced 6* champ.
Can completely bypass ANY defensive champion that needs their special attacks to become a "DEFENSIVE THREAT" *cough cough* bullseye enchantress photon etc. She would literally be an alliance war cheat code.
Quake is not broken because of her damage, it's because of how she can bypass A LOT of nodes, champs and matchups in general SO CAN MAGIK
They are not going to release quake or "MAGIK" as 6* until the community decides to let go of the past and let kabam rebalance them.
This is however only if they still remain unchanged on their stance to release higher rarity of those champs.