20% drop rate is a lot, assuming 1 million exalted crystals were opened, 200,000 7* champions were released into the game Newer players getting 7* onslaught etc That’s the true power of the EGGS!!!
I’m seeing newer players in global chat with 7* champions as their profile pic as that is their most powerful champion, a huge boost for them at the lower levels That’s EGG POWER LOL
While there's no denying the power of the egg, I think it's detrimental to get a 7* so early. Go ahead & bring on the disagrees. Now, they'll just blitz through everything, not really have to learn key game mechanics which in turn will bring on the nerf this or that piece of content posts...
While there's no denying the power of the egg, I think it's detrimental to get a 7* so early. Go ahead & bring on the disagrees. Now, they'll just blitz through everything, not really have to learn key game mechanics which in turn will bring on the nerf this or that piece of content posts...
It is pretty easy to blitz through most of the early game anyways. I imagine most people will start experiencing walls to overcome once they get to act 5. With 7*s, act 5 isn't too difficult, neither should it be. Then you have big ol' act 6 welcoming you with the largest healthpools of all of act 6 (yes 6.1 has higher healthpools for champions along the lanes than 6.4) as well as no retreat. Your average fights go from 50k health to 200k+ and you're adding other hard nodes and bosses on top of that. Doesn't matter if you have a 7* because you will still have to struggle through and learn key skills in act 6.