use gem on taskmaster or wait for blade ?

Hi all like the title say.
Im so thrill i got insanly Lucky for once to pull a 5 star taskmaster from 1 Feature Grand master Crys.. (300 units).
I also have an awaken gem ready for him.
Altho i have tried to play with him alot but seems like he needs to be awaken to get his full potentiel and dmg output.
I think i play him right but im unsure due he aint awaken yet.
I like blade and his abilities but i dunno if blade wud be better or Taskmaster is better.
About me:
Uncollected and waitng for 5.4
I have killed all events so far (except LoL)
I consider myself fairly skilled player
But i dunno if i shud try wait to pull blade or is Taskmaster considered a better champ
Im so thrill i got insanly Lucky for once to pull a 5 star taskmaster from 1 Feature Grand master Crys.. (300 units).
I also have an awaken gem ready for him.
Altho i have tried to play with him alot but seems like he needs to be awaken to get his full potentiel and dmg output.
I think i play him right but im unsure due he aint awaken yet.
I like blade and his abilities but i dunno if blade wud be better or Taskmaster is better.
About me:
Uncollected and waitng for 5.4
I have killed all events so far (except LoL)
I consider myself fairly skilled player
But i dunno if i shud try wait to pull blade or is Taskmaster considered a better champ
But i just saw a video of Tastmaster and he seems pretty awesome
Prob gonna stay at r2 ´for now.. and i gonna save my gem for blade
Thx for advise aswell.
I dont have blade why i need info about him. I only saw videos about him.. and there aint many about taskmaster yet.
And only thing i can compare is the abiliuty and dmg output..
I founded a r5 taskmaster and r5 blade to compare.. the dmg aint bad at all on taskmaster but i dunno the mastery setup or synergi.. but a r5 blade did 450 + combo to kill Winther and taskmaster did around 350 if u play him right and if not it was around 550 hits..