How many individual points do you have in the Realm Battlegrounds event?

OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,560 ★★★★★
Just curious as to where folks are sitting at this point. I’m at 1911 currently and guessing I’ll be somewhere between 2250 and 2500 by the end of the weekend.

We seem to be picking up steam, so 1B seems like it is almost definitely happening at this point.

How many individual points do you have in the Realm Battlegrounds event? 270 votes

GamerCrys23VaniteliaHeinz11Captain_007_BigTuna_2054NescioD_Ace_71SceptilemaniacRobbenRiberySw0rdMasterkikiFurieuxGarloHilldarHenk647384648JijinAnugrahs834JhonST33SoundwarpSagacious0wl 53 votes
NMEONESSyndicatedReferenceHalleyRebarkMughal50XAayush19Sparty6StephD87Soumil12DarthMysticLittleha132DiscoNnectKingBringPopcornshield311TheshadowDemo7MizuriNicoleCMeRun42 19 votes
DrZolaCropDusterAyemeboiBluestoneSandeepSHerbal_TaxmanRockypantherxBENNYJcaptain_rogersNockoL0ngb0aderBen_15455MusikmenSidd777MmaatthheewwudyedagainThePredator1001MaxtvTribalChiefJustSomeGuy 33 votes
SnizzbarzuffytntslIronmark48LiquidkoldDr. Crabt123459JROD1Obadger204ThiartcAyden_noah1Bugmat78GodfatherspieDisthene_TChachaji01Doctor_Strange19BeastDadXguard77ahmynutsSirGamesBond 51 votes
Stara99Foxhero007ZeınCat_MurdockAshyKnucklesRaikisGyanemdjeretgddhjjBigBrowskiSpadeHunterNichj99CONQUERORpeixemacacozerodudeFurrymoosenSteam97SpecMPaul_RuddRiptideXamlo 50 votes
BashlordTerragiuppy04spiderknight616CupidanggafkLordSmasherHalley008TheninJaymix79xLunatiXxTheNickster20Will3808Musha27Nogood22HerohanoiOakenshieldqm44The_Boss253Crow9074 30 votes
ccrider474captaincushMasterduxMoosetiptronicGrootman1294sxlbstverliebtButtehrsMacGyverIronGladiator22RawrasurusGiantwalrus56Joker1976ChobblyBuggyDClownGreenRaptor413Theron23Salve_maker05Danish0528SuperBKGjohnfrederic1 21 votes
MrTicTac19992008Gr8TonyStarkMrMojo_RiznLicky 4 votes
Spity68Rayaan_2000LunerCatIm_SWORD1HolySunBEA5T_FURY 6 votes
0 - Not participating
Jack2634ManbatnFoxNaruto 3 votes


  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,683 ★★★★★
    Just hit 2000
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,872 ★★★★
    Where do you look?
    Most players don’t know. I had to spend waaay too much time to figure out.

    I’m at like 2579.
    I don’t even play this mode but doing it for my alliance.
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  • Nacho98Nacho98 Member Posts: 397 ★★★
  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,651 ★★★★★
    edited October 2024
    Actually a touch over 3k now but the party is over. I am getting cooked in GC just like every season and why I stop playing when I get there. L after L after L even when I play my best. 28 points at a time for the next two weeks slog is going to be a lot more disgust than fun.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,222 ★★★★★
    Admittedly I'm moving a little slow. Haven't had alot of downtime for bgs
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,497 ★★★★★
    Crys23 said:

    smdam38 said:

    I obviously found it to post my points. But thank you very much @Oakenshield.

    It’s still not a great “event” if you have to dig around to find that info.

    I’m not really a battlegrounds player as I said in my initial post.

    The sidequests seem overly complicated this month.

    That method of display of points contributed is not specific to realm events. It has been that way since the new UI for events was introduced like 3 months ago.
    Where were you "digging around" for that info? In the calendar? Unit store? You just click on the event and there's a button that says "Participation".
    More like digging around for something else to complain about.
  • Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Member Posts: 1,023 ★★★★
    5252 and in Vibranium III and remembering why I don’t enjoy the mode that much.

    I started somewhere in Bronze so lots of easy wins and lots of forfeits to get up to Diamond. Then it was fun. Now it’s lots of the same decks that I just don’t think I’m ready to compete with. I might still try to get to GC at some point but I’m slowing down for a bit. I’ll still play for objectives but getting wins is a lot more work. I’m well below 50/50 lately.
  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,651 ★★★★★

    5252 and in Vibranium III and remembering why I don’t enjoy the mode that much.

    I started somewhere in Bronze so lots of easy wins and lots of forfeits to get up to Diamond. Then it was fun. Now it’s lots of the same decks that I just don’t think I’m ready to compete with. I might still try to get to GC at some point but I’m slowing down for a bit. I’ll still play for objectives but getting wins is a lot more work. I’m well below 50/50 lately.

    If there was ever a season to start at bronze, this was it. Kind of jealous at that event total. You are punished a lot more for being in GC last season.
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,497 ★★★★★

    5252 and in Vibranium III and remembering why I don’t enjoy the mode that much.

    I started somewhere in Bronze so lots of easy wins and lots of forfeits to get up to Diamond. Then it was fun. Now it’s lots of the same decks that I just don’t think I’m ready to compete with. I might still try to get to GC at some point but I’m slowing down for a bit. I’ll still play for objectives but getting wins is a lot more work. I’m well below 50/50 lately.

    If there was ever a season to start at bronze, this was it. Kind of jealous at that event total. You are punished a lot more for being in GC last season.
    Yep. I'm only just over 2100 points in V2 dreading getting into the circuit. I refuse to point farm, so I know it's going to be a grind.
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★
    edited October 2024
    1700 rn
    Slowly but surely balancing the grind with working my daily hours too.
  • _puy000__puy000_ Member Posts: 886 ★★★

    I found out that with the amount of elder marks they give, I can easily end up in surplus and still reach 5k points lol.

    Oh, so its not just me that gets disagrees for no reason lol
    I thought I was alone lol
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 905 ★★★
    4800 currently
  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 623 ★★★
    Do yall think the Stark Foundation donations will be enough to help us reach the final points?
  • Wolf911Wolf911 Member Posts: 879 ★★★★

    Quantum in GC

    could have been more if not for crappy AI
  • Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Member Posts: 1,023 ★★★★
    I only really play BG when there are extra rewards involved every few seasons.

    Pros: I start low so it’s easy to rack up wins/points

    Cons: I don’t have the experience/knowledge to deal with all the latest defenders and I don’t base rank ups on BG so my deck is a bit lacking.

    It does seem like you’re penalized a bit if you are regularly competitive in the mode.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,339 ★★★★★

    5252 and in Vibranium III and remembering why I don’t enjoy the mode that much.

    I started somewhere in Bronze so lots of easy wins and lots of forfeits to get up to Diamond. Then it was fun. Now it’s lots of the same decks that I just don’t think I’m ready to compete with. I might still try to get to GC at some point but I’m slowing down for a bit. I’ll still play for objectives but getting wins is a lot more work. I’m well below 50/50 lately.

    If there was ever a season to start at bronze, this was it. Kind of jealous at that event total. You are punished a lot more for being in GC last season.
    Yep. I'm only just over 2100 points in V2 dreading getting into the circuit. I refuse to point farm, so I know it's going to be a grind.
    It won't. Less than 30 wins to hit 5k for you.
  • Legend_WriterLegend_Writer Member Posts: 72
    2000 right now, and I'm in gold 1. I'm starting to remember why I don't generally play bgs, though. Everyone is either significantly stronger than me or significantly weaker than me.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,683 ★★★★★

    I found out that with the amount of elder marks they give, I can easily end up in surplus and still reach 5k points lol.

    Oh, so its not just me that gets disagrees for no reason lol
    Haha.... Take a look at mine, the first reply.

    How can someone disagree with that if is a fact? Lol... He/She need a screenshot to agree? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Kids with diapers disagree!
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,828 ★★★★★
    Just hit 2500, running out of elder marks fast, not sure how many more milestones I can hit before using units
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    Just below 3500. Time to take a pause and see what the next week brings from rest of the Realm.

    Dr. Zola
  • DahMastahDahMastah Member Posts: 31
    Started in bronze just broke through to vibranium I believe we can get that titan so I’m pushing
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