Is it fair you take damage after the bgs timer runs out during a sp3?
I’m referring to specifically the sp3, now I get it, if we pause the game purposefully on the sp1 and sp2 we take zero damage if we know we’re gonna eat it, but for people who are literally 2 seconds at the end and eats a sp3, is it fair you take all the damage when the timer ends? Personally not really, let me know your thoughts.
This goes both ways. It's not one sided.
You can pause during SP3 animations, and the fight timers can expire during SP3 animations, but the combat effects of the SP3 for the purposes of the fight have already happened.
To be more specific, the fight clock is not a thing that exists within the mechanics of the fight. It is a thing for players, when the intent is for players to spend no more than X seconds in a fight. There are a lot of reasons why you would want a player's time to be capped in a fight. Most importantly, in all alliance modes fights are timed because if they were not, a single player crashing in a fight could permanently blockade all other players from continuing that path. The game would have no way to know if the player was coming back or not. A player could also grief his entire alliance by just pausing the game and putting their phone down. Stuff like that advocates for having finite times for any alliance mode fight.
Battlegrounds has a different requirement: the need for the matches to be relatively fast paced. BG could simply allow both players to fight until dead or they win. But then some fights could last for a very long time, while the other player was forced to just sit there and stare at their phone, with no idea when the next fight would take place. Fights are timed in part to keep things flowing. And since the fight timers everywhere (as far as I can recall) run constantly while the fight is ongoing no matter what's happening in side of it, including if you pause the fight - because as I said, the fight clock doesn't run *in* the fight, it runs outside the fight - the same happens in Battlegrounds.
But *if* you could change it to freeze during SP3, the devs almost certainly still wouldn't want to. That would give too much of an advantage to champions that can cycle a lot of SP3s. Think about Doom: pausing the fight timer during SP3 would offer the Doom cycle way too much of a scoring advantage.
Basically, when the game says a bleed does X damage per second, we are supposed to understand that is seconds of fight time. When the game is paused, that bleed doesn't continue to tick. When the fight is paused during an SP3 that bleed doesn't continue to tick. Combat isn't "happening" during those intervals; no game time has elapsed, no seconds have ticked, so that bleed doesn't do anything. But when you're told you have two minutes to fight a Battleground fight, that's real time. You have 120 seconds of real time to finish that fight, no matter what you choose to do with that time. Pausing the game doesn't stop that clock, performing an SP3 doesn't stop that clock, because that's a real time clock. It ticks whether combat is running or not.
If you look at the stats of each bg fight, you'll see that the fight time is always less than what it shows on the scoring screen.