Preparing for Glorious Games Incursions

I don’t have many ranked up Glorious Games champs. I have a bunch of rank ups to make and want to factor in this for incursions so I can at least hit the required milestone.
Thought it would be helpful to open up for discussion on best saga champs for incursions.
Thought it would be helpful to open up for discussion on best saga champs for incursions.
A sig 200 Shathra might be good due to her ramping quest to quest and healing a good amount at the start of fights, although idk what hacks would help her out so she might be unusable after zone 8.
Hulkbuster could be good. Howard would be great with buff cornucopia too.
Your best option is silk as pikolu said, also defensive cascade allow most of your tech champs with Armor buffs to permanently stun lock, Pair it with draining degen so you don't have to worry about defender getting 3 bars of power.
I have few inc revives saved upand it's only 1 zones I'll just power through.
I Seriously wish they'll update the t4alpha rewards and please keep the r5 gem I need it for Omega sentinel.
Its Mister Sinister, and anyone can bring their 6 star r5 ascended.
Sig 200 will turn him into absolute ramp machine, and with couple of hacks he can hit very hard even with just regular hits and specials.
Don't sleep on this guy.