I know it is early - but guesses as to who will be the two supplemental champs in the next titan?

Yes, I’m a little bored. And yes I know the new Titan hasn’t even been out for 72 hours yet. But I know many of us are already saving for the December crystal. And since we know the 4 ‘new’ champs being added - a mystic and a mutant in November and a cosmic and a tech this month, then we know it is likely the supplemental champs will be a science and a skill champ.
What are your guesses?
My science guesses are either red guardian or the ‘living’ she hulk. Skill - stealthy. Yes, I know hoping for RG and Stealthy is a stretch, but I think I heard Kabam has decided we aren’t going to get as many mid champs in the titan any more so I can always hope.
Silver Disable
Symbiote ice-cream
Leaving the Titan pool finally.
But what's the point?
Arcade, NorthStar, patriot, leader will still be there 🥹
It's funny how all the new six 7* heroes in first 2 rows are legit trash.
Science: Antivenom, Electro, MODOK
Skill: Valkyrie, Baron Zemo, Stealth Spidey
Skill would be stealth spider man or not make Titan more interesting we could see hit monkey or Valkyrie at max
But maybe human torch could be too OP. And they obviously can't release scorpion. And red guardian needs high sig to be reliable.
So I believe it's most likely Cassie or wasp. Red guardian is unlikely since most people already use the 6* one.
For skill, My bet is valk, stealthy or hitmonkey. All are awesome champs, kinda fell off, and have great damage unduped.
For science, I’m going with Ibom, will be amazing to see, also why hasn’t anybody said Ibom? He’s the perfect fit in the titan I must say.
And I think we will see Kingpin or Aegon in there too.
But new halloween pumpkin guy places plasma on mutants 🤗🤗
Not Prowler tho, it'll make him OP 😳
Yikes Kabam.