First R2 7 star

I've managed to pull Falcon, Mantis, Lady Deathstrike, Shang-Chi, and Killmonger 7 star champs. I almost have the resources to rank a skill. I was leaning towards Mantis as I've been playing her longest (first 7 star) but I hear Shang-Chi could be as strong if not stronger, Falcon has good utility, and Killmonger is pretty good too I believe (just got him today). Who should I rank? LDS I don't have the class cats for so she's going to have to wait, as fun as she is to play.
Though, whichever champ I choose is guaranteed to be auto-banned every BG match since this rank will make them my highest champ by far. I rank 4'd 3 6 stars to reach Paragon but I'm starting to get more 7 stars, ranking 6s is going to be lower on my priority list. If I get enough t6c's to r5 Herc and Onslaught they'll get the bump, but my 7 stars are going to have a higher ceiling.
1 T6B and 1 T3A left to go.