Astral Anger Bug
I used a team of five 5* Cosmic champs mainly relying upon my Hercules to complete a path of 6.2.5. Team was Hercules, heimdall, thor, vision aarkus and medusa. I had zero boosts running and used like five 40% revives on the punisher and mordo fights. It did not complete the astral anger challenge when I finished. I have a picture of the team lineup i used and the path i took.
And assuming you had already gotten that Objective available for you BEFORE you had done that 6.2.5 with that team.
Maybe Submit a Request ticket to support.
(I’m also assuming the wording of the objective does NOT mean that you have to do your FIRST Completion of that quest with that team. Pretty sure it wouldn’t be such short-minded wording, and that it does mean you can go back in and do ANOTHER completion run, even though technically the quest status may have already be marked “completed” but maybe not full “explore”, from an earlier run)