Is Red Skull R3 worthy?

I am looking to rank 3 a defender. Red Skull is theoretically one of my best options. I have a couple hesitations with taking him to rank 3 for defensive purposes.
He has a low health pool. Like really low. My other issue is the amount of counters to this guy. Almost everyone I run into has a maxed out CGR and he destroys him in ~25 seconds. Hercules and Adam can do the fight as well. I’ve even seen a few R3 Corvus’ that destroy him just as fast. Does anyone have experience with him at R3 as a defender? Worth it or no?
Just depends on your other choices.
Dr. Zola
my 7* rank 3 Adam warlock is my 2nd go to counter to him ( as he's always banned so have to use CGR )
what you do is don't activate the counter at start
just play normally and build 2.5 bars of power
bait sp1 punish it with heavy let him hold block
dash in with medium and activate sp2 before you land any hit ( it will activate counter with 10 )
then you don't have to worry about autoblock or anything
But you have to hit the opponent every 2 seconds to keep these buffs up. He is one of the best counters besides cgr.
No defender gets me more wins in BG.
Tried to pull Red Skull on 6* Stun Immunity crystal, but pulled Centurion instead...