How do you feel about the BGs grind this season?



  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★★
    Both events have been "rescued" by company donations. That should speak for itself...
  • obsidimanobsidiman Member Posts: 995 ★★★
    You get points for two things...
    Winning a match and completing a match. Completing is going through the process of a match, win or lose. A forfeit is not a match completion.

    So no... points should not be given out for pressing the forfeit button. Suck it up and try. Forfeiting doesn't give you practice to help you get better. There's always going to be accounts bigger than yours. That's the way the game is. Adapt and survive. Kabam has stated in the past that BGs aren't set up for everyone to win every match all the time.
  • NüΚΞNüΚΞ Member Posts: 275 ★★★
    Necro realm event was fun. Not sure how you could get that same vibe with this one, but it would be something for Kabam to think about… but necro realm event you just needed to die lmao.

    Honestly if alliance and solo rewards were still in play I think it would have been just fine. Personally the insufferable AI was the big issue here not really the BG grind.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,414 ★★★★★

    The 2 realm events have been a huge disappointment.

    Honestly this bg one has ben slightly better would we had make 1b without the donations probably not but saying huge disappointment is just a opinion and that fair you felt that ways but how I read it is this i don’t really like to play the game to get rewards.
  • spiderknight616spiderknight616 Member Posts: 679 ★★★
    I like BGs in general so I don't mind the grind. Getting to GC has forced me to learn interceptions for crit me so at least that's one new skill picked up
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,782 ★★★★★

    I like BGs in general so I don't mind the grind. Getting to GC has forced me to learn interceptions for crit me so at least that's one new skill picked up

    But how can you rely on intercepts when the current state of AI is absolutely ABYSMAL making the very mechanic they want you to use utterly unreliable, lest you take a combo or special to the face by the defender AI.
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