Is battleground matchmaking fair??

So I just beat grandmaster today and started with battleground i played around 10 matches where in almost all of them except 2 I received an opponent who is thronebrecker have alot of 6* or in se cases even 7* and i who just started playing is competing with them with 4* and rank 3/4 5* I don't know if this is intentional but just wanna know what are the basis on which battleground opponent are selected except the battleground rank because I am at bronze which is the lowest rank.
This is my roaster

And this is the opponent I am facing..

This is my roaster

And this is the opponent I am facing..

Unless you mean the collector, because I can't see that small roster being thronebreaker, especially if you're new to the game.
You have to mean the collector. After re reading you said you're facing thronebreakers with multiple 6*.
So you're just not ready for battlegrounds my dude.
BGs looks at people requesting a match for each tier. If you are in Gold 1, anyone searching for a match in Gold 1 can be matched at you. We have had many different variations of matchmaking qualifiers but most were exploitable.
Given that bit of information, what would make it fair?
The short version is: if battlegrounds were a single match turnstile - you go in, I go in, we match against whoever, and whoever wins, wins and that’s it - then it would be fair for you to match against other accounts that look like you, to make that one single match fair. However, battlegrounds is based on seasons. Individual wins are not just wins, they place you above everyone else that loses.
It violates the basic premises of the game, and competition in general, if you could win over and over against other very weak opponents and leap past very strong accounts who have to face much stronger competition. It would mean that the more you grew your roster, the more likely you would have to face other players that not only have stronger rosters, but are also more likely to be more skilled and knowledgeable.
This game is about growing roster: penalizing players for growing roster doesn’t make sense. And in a competition the notion that very weak inexperienced players could beat out much stronger ones for higher rewards is also nonsensical.
The question is: what to do about matching against very strong players. And the first thing to realize is: matching is random. If all your match ups are against stronger players, that means you’re the only one that made it to your current tier. If lots of others did, you’d be matching against them often. So how did you get higher than everyone else of your roster strength? You must be better than all the rest. So of course the game is matching you against stronger competition. It has no other choice.
My suspicion though is that you aren’t actually matching against nothing but super strong accounts. More likely that’s just what you remember, but in fact you are running into other players like you. Those matches are just much less memorable.
If your account isn’t as good as theirs, rest assured you’ll probably end up with the better deck and options, plus, this is game, do you not want it to be challenging from time to time?
And i dont want to start in high ranks in the new season. I want to start at the bottom to collect the signs and have a chance to win the solo event. With opponents with multiple 7*R2 and 6R4/6R5, serpent etc unbeatable for me and so the solo-event is not doable... I havent played for 5 years and so i dont have many champs etc