Here is for hoping next weeks buff goes to.....
Member Posts: 5,680 ★★★★★
Yellowjacket and punisher. I know, punisher is a "rare" champ so he won't get buffed. In that case Yellowjacket and a tweak to toad to turn him from good to god mode 6 star locked. I would like yellowjacket to increase nuclear mode energy damage with hits in the combo meter and amount of specials thrown, turning him into basically a science aegon, and I would like toad to turn into weapon x essentially with unkillabkle. Nothing too groundbreaking 😉 Who are you lot hoping to be buffed. Not necessarily who you think it is but who you want it to be
Presuming the following is true;
1) The buffs must not be already 7 stars
2) One buff of every class
3) Not overhauls, buffs more in line with Purg/Medusa
With these, Sentinel and Gladiator Hulk. Gulk makes to much sense with the theme of the Saga, and Sentinel is cool.
I would love a antivenom buff he has a interesting kit just lacks damage. Or maybe sentry but he needs more than a small tweak I guess (But his kit is still solid just need damage and lil more utility).
In mutant, rogue, jubliee Or cap Britain would be great candidates.
I'm already mad out of cosmic dummies they chose medusa who absolutely didn't need a buff and now she's a nightmare in defense. If you didn't shut her autoblock, by nullifying or neutralizing her fury buffs within first 9 secs (which most mystics can't do), congrats. You have to do the entire fight just by spamming heavies and sp3 (unless you counter autoblock).
For Skill, I’d love to see Punny, Moon Knight, Taskmaster, OGBW or Night Thrasher. Any of those champs could get tweaked and be useful.
Tech just has to be Sentinel. Next meta puts a premium on heal blocking and he’s Saga.
If it’s science, oh boy…that’s a stacked class anyway. I’m not hopeful for Sentry, so I’d suggest any of the old Caps or OG Abom, each of which could be augmented without a ton of effort. Also wouldn’t mind seeing Reed or MODOK get the nod.
Mutant…Jubilee or DPX seem like the crowd favorites, so I’ll suggest two I’d really like to see as 7* soon who already have decent list: Cable and Rogue.
Fun to speculate. No clue and no inside info for me so take it for what it’s worth.
Dr. Zola