I did a Thing (The FINAL Valiant Speedrun)



  • Cantona59Cantona59 Member Posts: 278 ★★★

    Day 7 Recap!

    Oh yeah, it’s all coming together now! Still not as productive as I wanted to be but the 6 star pulls today was absolutely HUGE.

    Starting from 7.4.1, the paths today was pretty easy:

    7.4.1 - 0 revives, hulkbuster crushed the Guilly boss

    7.4.2 - 0 revives, sabretooth boss in this quest is really easy, just slow and steady

    7.4.3 - 1 revive, onslaught worked well for hubris purgatory boss

    7.4.4 - 0 revives, Mojo boss nearly took out my whole team but I pulled through 😅

    7.4.5 - 2 revives, killmonger boss was pretty annoying, that knockdown cruelty is no joke

    7.4.6 - 0 revives, yeah I was very happy with this. Punisher 99 did the first 2 phases of Kang, Hyperion did the 3rd, and hulkbuster did the 4th. Really easy fight for my team

    Then came the big pulls. The 6 star nexus from act 7 completion was trash, but the 6 star basics were not. Photon is an instant rankup as she’s an upgrade to an already heavy hitter for me. Starky could be a future investment when 6 star awakening gems and sigs become easier near end of act 8. Overall so so happy, my luck is turning.

    I rushed straight into act 8 as I find act 8 easier than 7 for the most part:

    8.1.1 - 0 revives, weapon node giving 400% sp2 damage is very fun

    8.1.2 - 0 revives, another weapon node, this time for heavy attacks

    8.1.3 - 0 revives, weapon node for 800% block damage is broken good

    8.1.4 - new r3 photon destroyed the science path

    And that’s where I’m up to. Tonight though I plan to go hard. I’m streaming act 8 push with a minimum goal of cerastes (8.3) and a hopeful goal of glykhan going down.

    Need to speed up to stay ahead in the race, Nick is currently doing act 9 100% but is on day 12 👀
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,653 ★★★★★
    @Cantona59 How many accounts do you have?
  • Cantona59Cantona59 Member Posts: 278 ★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    @Cantona59 How many accounts do you have?

    Active, 2 (technically 3 with this but 2 usually)
    Total? Idk 😅
  • Cantona59Cantona59 Member Posts: 278 ★★★

    Day 8 Recap!

    Very successful push! Managed to make it all the way to 8.4.2, putting me in a good spot to complete 9.1 on day 9.

    Quests 8.1.5 to 8.2.3 was done on stream (some tech issues and general tiredness), mostly successful having to use a couple revives as I went. I also pulled doctor doom from 8.1 rewards, so he went straight to rank 3.

    Then after I slept I pushed some more:

    8.2.4 - 0 revives, weapon node on the right hand side is very broken for photon, gives her instant ramp

    8.2.5 - 3 revives, no real good paths for me here, went with the whittle down path

    8.2.6 - 1 team revive, bahamet wasn’t too horrible, just a very slow fight as he always is. Took me over 40 minutes to kill 😂

    The rewards for that slog was INSANE. 6 star cgr and onslaught was not what I was expecting, but it has given me a very good necro option. He will be going all the way to rank 5 ascended after 8.4 (tonight).

    I then carried on into 8.3, which would prove to be interesting with only relics in 2 classes:

    8.3.1 - 0 revives, outside lane starting with nightthrasher isn’t too bad, and omega sentinel boss can be done with any champ

    8.3.2 - 2 revives, tech lane on the left is easy apart from having to use lvl 1 overseer for ibom, that wasn’t fun

    8.3.3 - 0 revives, tech lane on the right was easy as I have relics in that class

    8.3.4 - 0 revives, thing boss is really easy here with onslaught

    8.3.5 - 1 revive, mystic lane was really easy with doom as I had increased power steal, allowed me to cycle sp1 and sp3

    8.3.6 - 2 revives, cerastes proved to be a bit annoying due to my minimal relics, but punisher and hulkbuster combo eventually got through him. 16 mins compared to the usual 5-8 mins on a new account of the past.

    8.3 rewards was pretty decent and interesting. From the nexus I was able to dupe doom which is a nice little bonus for power gain paths, and my first 7 star was peni parker! Someone I don’t even have on my main 😂.
    I do like her as a champ, unique play style and really tanky, and she is instantly at rank 4 level.

    So the current team is looking like this:

    Doom, r4
    Onslaught, r3
    Photon, r3
    Punisher, r3
    Peni, 7 star r1

    Overall a very diverse team, with very meta champions but some unique ones too. Hopefully I will be able to push through 8.4 and 9.1 tonight to set myself up for exploration on day 10, then necro day 11 to finish the challenge!

    Video uploads for today, bahamet and cerastes boss (soooooooo long):



    See you all for Day 9! (some will be streamed)
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,803 ★★★★★
    Way to go.
  • jj_jj_9jj_jj_9 Member Posts: 201 ★★
    This is awesome
  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,400 ★★★
    Amazing. I haven’t been on forums in a few days but have been keeping up through your livestreams. Keep up the amazing work!!
  • Cantona59Cantona59 Member Posts: 278 ★★★
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,191 ★★★★★
    Amazing progress - enjoy the finish, late today 🤞🍻
  • Cantona59Cantona59 Member Posts: 278 ★★★
    Due to tiredness I had to end the stream slightly early and go to sleep, but I’m gonna do a mini stream later today to finish it off properly.
  • ZsirhcZZsirhcZ Member Posts: 280 ★★
    Rooting for you buddy
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,410 Guardian
    Beating my prediction/estimate from the prior run by almost two whole days.
  • RockSlydeRockSlyde Member Posts: 73
    This is incredible. Great work
  • ZsirhcZZsirhcZ Member Posts: 280 ★★
    Outstanding once again!
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