Starts now Mojo boss

What is the point of making Mojo such a strong boss in the new special quests? I mean seriously what’s the point of making him so hard to fight, he’s OVERLY COMPLICATED to fight and eats through resources. I enjoy a challenge but I don’t enjoy fighting the same guy over and over and over where he has every advantage and I have none, he only takes real damage occasionally? What’s the point? I’m bailing on the whole quest this month because of this, I don’t play to be frustrated I play for fun. I know the trolls will start making their comments but I don’t care this message is for KABAM: If I’m not playing the quests, I’m not spending money REAL CASH, YOU KNOW YOUR PROFITS, Think about that when you make your next maps, especially when you want lots of money come December because I’ll take the money is spend here and dust off my Xbox and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one.
Apoc was pretty good against him. I’m sure people will post some good counters against him soon if you’re stuck.
That mojo fight is pretty trash.
Read nodes.
Plan ahead.
Instead of @Terra and @Awesomep12 with the usual unhelpful answers from a forum that is supposed to be used for help and information.
Your only contribution to this post was telling me my problem was what I actually already said.
You sure you know what condescending means?
Secondly, kabam is not going to bend to your whim because you threaten to not spend money. I can almost guarantee you spend under 100 dollars a year. You're like .0000001% of their profits. It's like telling mcdonalds you're not gonna eat at their restaunt because you don't like ketchup on your burger.
The only thing that comes from these whiney posts is people like me. Trolling you. For my/our personal entertainment. Nothing else.
TLDR: the manager of kabam is not coming to help you Karen.
Now I have tried with suggestions I've found online from various sources.
Nothing worked. Im not the most techincal guy around and this node is just straight up f'ed up for me.
I hate the degen thing the most. Is it Mojo himself or the node?
F'king hate it.
I suggest use passive prowess like toad, kitty and bishop
Yes it’s a more complicated EQ boss than normal. Yes, you should read nodes and plan ahead.
I think EQ is typically so yawn worthy, I get why people don’t and try to blast through it. Clearly Kabam has noticed too and has been putting more of these strategic bosses in EQ recently to reinforce the importance of understanding nodes.
For this Mojo though you need a mutant that has easy access to passive prowess. Bishop, Kitty, Sunspot, Toad, Apoc, etc. all work great once you understand the nodes.
Then the damage sweet spot has 2 conditions (1) you throw a special with prowess effects (2) you time it with mojo being passively stunned, you get a huge attack bonus. It’s important to note the passive stun gives you this so he needs to purify your stun debuff before you use a special.
Do those 2 things and it’s not a bad fight at all.