Spend Units on Cyber Weekend OR save for Banquet?



  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,155 ★★★★★

    @Buttehrs Your lack of direct responses to what I said in my reply says it all 😴 nothing else to say.

    And why exactly should I respond to you? Your clearly clueless. Matter of fact, why are you even still going about this? Grow up homie.
  • Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 756 ★★★
    @altavista So basically, you’re just confirming that he did indeed save his units over a longggg period of time 🤣
  • arifin74arifin74 Member Posts: 368 ★★★
    edited November 2024

    @altavista So basically, you’re just confirming that he did indeed save his units over a longggg period of time 🤣

    Saving up takes time, and not everyone is spending units left and right. The last time I used units was to explore Act 9, two months ago. Since then, I haven’t needed to spend on anything, so I’ve saved up 5k units. Everyone is saving at their own pace

    If you can’t save units, that’s your issue—don’t pull F2P players into it.
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★

    Bet everything on red.

    Blade Himself is disappointed in you right now:

    So will Batman,

    I guess the safe bet is put halve on Red and halve on Black 🤣.

    Essentially what @jdschw said 🤣
  • TribalChiefTribalChief Member Posts: 207 ★★
    If u are Endgame Valiant player cyber is great for you bcuz of fixed returns

    If u are paragon or Below progression Banquet is best for you bcuz of great rewards

    But this time the low level progression players might get disappointed with banquet too bcuz gbc is gonna be progress based this time so u have to see all those valiants getting better stuff than you
  • Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 756 ★★★
    @Buttehrs Of course you didn’t understand the simple shi I said 😴 & I literally responded to you.. why are you shocked that I replied 🤣 you’re just saying anything now lmao goofy. You entered this thread with an attitude in the first place 😂😂
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,232 ★★★★★

    But this time the low level progression players might get disappointed with banquet too bcuz gbc is gonna be progress based this time so u have to see all those valiants getting better stuff than you

    they confirmed that GBCs are progression based?
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 300 ★★★

    Save for Banquet or use units on Cyber?

    Buy the cyber weekend deals with money, then spend those units from those deals on banquet.
  • Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 756 ★★★
    @Seyuoh That’s a plan right there
  • BloodyCrueltyBloodyCruelty Member Posts: 260 ★★

    Save for Banquet or use units on Cyber?

    There is a golden order: Spend money on cyber, spend units on banquett
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,707 ★★★★
    I plan to top up my unit balance with a few Odin’s and use the units in Banquet 2024, unless the unit deals are exceptionally good then I may spend some of them…
  • Highlander2Highlander2 Member Posts: 15
    I had been thinking about this however here is my 2 cents....currently you should grind to get the most amount of units (arenas, side events, dailies, even some story modes with unit paths - if you have any paths left to do). Then don't decide until Cyber offers come out. You can then see exactly what those offers are. At that point you have your stick or twist moment. You can see what you can get - plan out what level / rewards you'd get. Then think whether to get now or hold off for Banquet crystals. At least you'd have a better idea what you are getting/missing out on. My suspicion is that whatever you get - most of it will be rng anyways so there's a good chance that you can be disappointed regardless of which option you pick. 😀
  • DicedicedicediceDicedicedicedice Member Posts: 144 ★★
    My probably unrealistic suggestion would be for Kabam to disclose the rewards for both the events beforehand and let players make informed choices. They would probably make a little less money but gain a lot of goodwill from all levels of players.
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    edited November 2024
    Bulmkt said:

    I plan to top up my unit balance with a few Odin’s and use the units in Banquet 2024, unless the unit deals are exceptionally good then I may spend some of them…

    If it’s anything like last year, weren’t you getting like 50% additional units in the webstore packs? Those made purchasing a pretty easy decision.
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,894 ★★★★★
    Donavans said:

    Just pulled Shuri 7* from a nexus crystal!

    Where is this 'nexus crystal'?
  • Tairique_turay0Tairique_turay0 Member Posts: 756 ★★★
    edited November 2024
    Does anyone think 7* Quicksilver, Diablo, etc will be accessible in this years Banquet crystals and milestones again? I hope so.
  • Grand_Master_17Grand_Master_17 Member Posts: 57
    I just wanna say that im basically contentless in this game and all i want is a 7* venom (coz i love him)

    I got 7k units rn (im f2p)
    if theres a selector in cyber for venom, im buying it otherwise hard pass... banquet ftw then
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  • DonavansDonavans Member Posts: 61
    BabyGroot said:

    @Donavans it's definitely doable and I recomend checking out videos for each quest for quick tips on who's best to use and how to play the routes. (Mcoc noob / Mcoc encyclopedia) I would just pace yourself and aim to get there by the end of the year. Rushing content can sometime be more stressful than rewarding.

    However if you have a ton of units saved or plan to drop a good amount of $$ on the event, the higher progression might be worth it. But typically banquet is better for lower progressions.

    Yeah man, between work and everything else I've just gotten to Thronebreaker so far but that's OK. I'm cool with pacing and enjoying the game. It's been really fun
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