Missing Champ for Royal Hunt

Does anyone feel like it’s a little unfair to base the completion of royal hunt on the fact that you have any version of a certain champion, in a game where the champions you get are by chance.
I’m a paragon player and I have never gotten any version of killmonger in my time playing. Normally that wouldn’t matter, but unless I can get lucky in the next few weeks, I cannot complete the royal hunt.
I get it defeats the purpose of the riddle, but it would be nice if they could give out a 3* version of the champs after a while to ensure that the event can be completed by everyone and not left up to whether or not you’ve pulled a certain champ from a crystal by chance.
I’m a paragon player and I have never gotten any version of killmonger in my time playing. Normally that wouldn’t matter, but unless I can get lucky in the next few weeks, I cannot complete the royal hunt.
I get it defeats the purpose of the riddle, but it would be nice if they could give out a 3* version of the champs after a while to ensure that the event can be completed by everyone and not left up to whether or not you’ve pulled a certain champ from a crystal by chance.
Though I'm sure we'll be seeing these champs for sale in some way or another toward the tail end of this event.
It would be nice to have a free 2* version at some point, given that it's not really possible to farm champions in hope of having the one you want...
I get that these missions are riddles, so giving us the champions needed directly would make no sense. Just please, allow us to get them before the event ends.
It sucks since I’ve been playing since 2016, and the fact I have been unable to get any star version of one champion could prevent me from getting a free rank up gem.
I already lost 2 elite bounties = 10 tickets. very disappointing
We'll just have to go F* ourselves with our poor luck and pray to get a 4-5 star version of the needed champions in the coming days..
I hope y’all are right, and that an emergency mass mailer of like 3*or 4* will happen (and they’ve done similar before), but having a required champ before even knowing you need them is unfair. they gotta fix this.
So wait, do you have to use a 3* version in the future objectives ? because i used a 5* electra to beat DD and i got the objective.
It is odd that this hunt is so specific that it requires using a specific champ AND fighting a specific champ. I can't think of a time where both have been required.
Most events, say like event quest nodes or SoS, require a certain umbrella of champs to play against a node, but to restrict completion based off a singular champion in a game built around getting characters through randomized crystals is just straight up unfair, because it is never guaranteed to get that champion even with 1 million crystals opened
No need to add "Don't be unlucky bro" to the requirements.
Vision AoU
Otherwise, start popping any champ crystal you got and hope lady luck is with you!
I would just chip the target down and finish them off with champ that meets the objective requirement.
That’s what i did with the “do you bleed” black panther,..Domino did the work and then quit out at 5% health remaining,..then brought in my 6* r1 Electra to finish him off.
you're funny.
But if you have been playing for a while and you are sitting on hundreds of thousands of shards, then it’s a you problem. Some players never had to deal with rosters limiting them in content these days and event like this make that stick out