Missing Champ for Royal Hunt



  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,486 ★★★★
    Kabam should release bundles of elektra and killmonger 6* for 3000 units right at the main screen as you login just like the hulk and gamora bundle
  • BosleyBosley Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    I learned from Homer Simpson at a young age “…. you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try”.
  • AyemeboiAyemeboi Member Posts: 80 ★★
    edited November 2024
    BigBlueOx said:

    I always wonder how many crystal shards people are hoarding when I see posts like this one. If you aren’t hoarding and it’s an account over a year old I actually feel for the person a bit.

    But if you have been playing for a while and you are sitting on hundreds of thousands of shards, then it’s a you problem. Some players never had to deal with rosters limiting them in content these days and event like this make that stick out

    I’ve been on and off since 2016. I probably have like a year and a half spent on the game, but the last time I consistently played, 6* weren’t even a thing. I got back into it this summer and have managed to be one R3 from Valiant with 17 seven stars. Unfortunately, I don’t have the patience to hoard, so the likely hood of me getting lucky and getting Killmonger is really slim.
  • TheshadowTheshadow Member Posts: 352 ★★
    well i dont even have a 1* elektra in not only my main but four of my alts. can you beleive that. although i have all the vareities of killmonger.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,118 ★★★★★
    I'm guessing it kinda has something to do with the 10 years but it wasn't thought out well...
    I know i got most of the champs in 4*s cause of arena milestones.
    I dislike this type of events regardless cause sometimes I am forced to level up some.
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,777 ★★★★★
    edited November 2024

    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    I always wonder how many crystal shards people are hoarding when I see posts like this one. If you aren’t hoarding and it’s an account over a year old I actually feel for the person a bit.

    But if you have been playing for a while and you are sitting on hundreds of thousands of shards, then it’s a you problem. Some players never had to deal with rosters limiting them in content these days and event like this make that stick out

    I’ve been playing since 2016 on and off, currently valiant. I don’t hoard at all and don’t have enough 6* shards to open another crystal right now and I didn’t have a 6* Elektra. I still don’t have a 6* torch or nick fury despite chasing them in every nexus selector I can. RNG is what it is. Newer accounts that progress so much faster and have to deal with an ever inflating pool can be in even worse shape. This was a poor choice by Kabam unless there will be a remedy before the event is over.

    I’m still missing 39 6*s. Some of those are trophy champs or brand new champs but I’m still missing old ones like Gamora and Cyclops and War Machine as a 6*.
    Why do you think you need a 6 star? Many of us relied on 5stars for this content prior to its many nerfs. They even removed the 5star minimum requirement in the last nerf.

    This can be done by 4s and 5s. You’re setting a boundary to access that frankly isn’t there by saying this requires 6star rarity to attempt
    I didn’t say it needs a 6*. I’m pointing out that RNG can prevent you from getting a certain champ for many years.

    If players started 3 years ago, it is very possible they don’t have Elektra or Killmonger above a 3* level.
    If they never play arena, maybe, but even there are so much shards now. If they been playing consistently, then they are probably unicorn status to never pull at any rarity.

    Narrow content like this always creates threads like this though. So not sure who the team was targeting with this event. Definitely not an inclusive one
  • Antoseum10Antoseum10 Member Posts: 65
    Hopefully Kabam will respond to this issue and not just stay silent while waiting for everyone to forget...
  • AyemeboiAyemeboi Member Posts: 80 ★★

    Hopefully Kabam will respond to this issue and not just stay silent while waiting for everyone to forget...

    I hope. I got desperate and just opened 10 3* bleed crystals from incursion store, just to not get him. I’ve been saving up for the 7* incursion crystal and this is such an annoying set back. I don’t want to keep spending my artifacts and hoping I can pull him.
  • TheAngryOneTheAngryOne Member Posts: 501 ★★★
    7* KM 9500 units offer incoming 😏
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,510 ★★★★
    Guess that means the next four hunts will stay unfinished. A shame as if they left it the way it worked with DD and KM the community would be happy. Not some, but the community as a whole. Hopefully Kabam is taking note to our responses.
  • AyemeboiAyemeboi Member Posts: 80 ★★

    Yeah this is one thing that a lot of people have seemed to overlook or misunderstand.

    "Bro he's been available for SO LONG how could you NOT have him at all?" Well, for people newer to the game, their chance of drawing a specific champ is like 1 in 285.

    Yep. I played frequently when King groot and Vulture were released (2016-2017), then a little in 2020, and now consistently for the past 5 months. I still don’t have them despite having opened 12k+ crystals. Obviously all of those aren’t champ crystals, but it really is a game of chance
  • DukeZmanDukeZman Member Posts: 698 ★★★

    Check your roster to make sure you have the next 4 champs needed:
    Vision AoU

    Otherwise, start popping any champ crystal you got and hope lady luck is with you!

    *cries in 5star rank1 unduped Vision AOU*
  • DukeZmanDukeZman Member Posts: 698 ★★★

    I'm guessing it kinda has something to do with the 10 years but it wasn't thought out well...
    I know i got most of the champs in 4*s cause of arena milestones.
    I dislike this type of events regardless cause sometimes I am forced to level up some.

    Exactly. I just took my 5* R1 unduped Vision AOU up to R4 costing me a ton of iso, and over a mil gold…just so I can never use him again after this quest. And hopefully R4 is sufficient to get the kill or I’ll be spending more to take him to R5 🙃
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,250 ★★★★

    Check your roster to make sure you have the next 4 champs needed:
    Vision AoU

    Otherwise, start popping any champ crystal you got and hope lady luck is with you!

    Where’d you get this info? Like do we know for sure these are the next champs we’ll use?
  • Antoseum10Antoseum10 Member Posts: 65
    Ayemeboi said:

    Hopefully Kabam will respond to this issue and not just stay silent while waiting for everyone to forget...

    I hope. I got desperate and just opened 10 3* bleed crystals from incursion store, just to not get him. I’ve been saving up for the 7* incursion crystal and this is such an annoying set back. I don’t want to keep spending my artifacts and hoping I can pull him.
    I also opened 10 incursion cristals but got every champion except Elektra... I can't get any more incursion currency now so that's not how I am going to get her.
  • M0NKEYNUTSM0NKEYNUTS Member Posts: 266 ★★

    Check your roster to make sure you have the next 4 champs needed:
    Vision AoU

    Otherwise, start popping any champ crystal you got and hope lady luck is with you!

    Where’d you get this info? Like do we know for sure these are the next champs we’ll use?
    The clues got leaked and people are trying to figure them out. KT1 has a video on it.
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,250 ★★★★

    Check your roster to make sure you have the next 4 champs needed:
    Vision AoU

    Otherwise, start popping any champ crystal you got and hope lady luck is with you!

    Where’d you get this info? Like do we know for sure these are the next champs we’ll use?
    The clues got leaked and people are trying to figure them out. KT1 has a video on it.
    lol. I don’t even have shuri at any other rarity than a three star…this is busted. I’m a paragon player but just bc I haven’t ever pulled her is a bit strange
  • 713_o_f1673r713_o_f1673r Member Posts: 585 ★★★
    A simple solution is to put these champs in arena to be able to grind for them. I mean it makes sense, two champs for the two arenas (basic and featured)
  • Antoseum10Antoseum10 Member Posts: 65

    A simple solution is to put these champs in arena to be able to grind for them. I mean it makes sense, two champs for the two arenas (basic and featured)

    This would be one solution indeed.

    I hope at least Kabam will do something...
  • Shamir51Shamir51 Member Posts: 1,159 ★★★★
    DukeZman said:

    I'm guessing it kinda has something to do with the 10 years but it wasn't thought out well...
    I know i got most of the champs in 4*s cause of arena milestones.
    I dislike this type of events regardless cause sometimes I am forced to level up some.

    Exactly. I just took my 5* R1 unduped Vision AOU up to R4 costing me a ton of iso, and over a mil gold…just so I can never use him again after this quest. And hopefully R4 is sufficient to get the kill or I’ll be spending more to take him to R5 🙃
    On the off chance these rumours are false, I assume you won’t see the funny side of ranking before release?
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  • L1qu1docelot84L1qu1docelot84 Member Posts: 2
    I’m a mid tier valiant player who’s been playing 8 years. Got 249 6 star champs but no Elektra. And I’ve never ranked my 5* because let’s face it she’s trash. Bad design for this event
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,208 ★★★★★
    i didn't have "not having 3*s is a slap to the face!" on my bingo card.

    call me a progression bigot but if you don't have the right 3* then maybe this content isn't for you.

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