A Comprehensive List Of Everything The Decay Attack Tactic Counters

Path 2 EMP Shocks
Path 3 Power Burn, Bleeds and Shocks
Path 6 Spiked Armor
Path 7 Damage Reflect
Path 9 Literally Everything
Node 42 One Eye Open
The Other Hazard Shifts
Node 49 Brute Force
Attuma Thorns
Chavez DMG Reflect
Bishops Incins
BPCW Reflect Matrix
Bullseye Insta Bleeds
Domino Crit Fail
Dust Sandstorm
Electro Stuff
Enchantress Damage Reflect
Galan Harvest
Havok Plasma
Kindred Degen
Maestro Cosmic Radiation
Mephisto Aura
Mr Sinister Degen
Mojo Degen
Onslaught Neuros
Peni Power Burn
Red Skull Funny Armor Things
Terrax Rockz
Destroyer SP2 and SP3 Red Stuff
Serpent SP1 and SP2 Stuff
Aarkus Coldsnap
Void Intimidating Presence
Warlock Degen
Wong Energy Burst
This is everything I could think of that had anything to do with a war defense setting. Stuff like iBomb poisons i didn't even bother with when he's never gonna hit a defense map.
Path 3 Power Burn, Bleeds and Shocks
Path 6 Spiked Armor
Path 7 Damage Reflect
Path 9 Literally Everything
Node 42 One Eye Open
The Other Hazard Shifts
Node 49 Brute Force
Attuma Thorns
Chavez DMG Reflect
Bishops Incins
BPCW Reflect Matrix
Bullseye Insta Bleeds
Domino Crit Fail
Dust Sandstorm
Electro Stuff
Enchantress Damage Reflect
Galan Harvest
Havok Plasma
Kindred Degen
Maestro Cosmic Radiation
Mephisto Aura
Mr Sinister Degen
Mojo Degen
Onslaught Neuros
Peni Power Burn
Red Skull Funny Armor Things
Terrax Rockz
Destroyer SP2 and SP3 Red Stuff
Serpent SP1 and SP2 Stuff
Aarkus Coldsnap
Void Intimidating Presence
Warlock Degen
Wong Energy Burst
This is everything I could think of that had anything to do with a war defense setting. Stuff like iBomb poisons i didn't even bother with when he's never gonna hit a defense map.
You are complaining about an alliance tactic which will only be there one alliance season. I am sure that you are ok with how Serpent is on defense. Not everyone has Chavez or Kushala, how do you think normal players deal with that bull **** of a defender.
Can't have playerbase enjoy too much now.
I have literally no idea how you came to the conclusion of someone listing the things decay counters to be complaining.
Perhaps he came to the post after watching OP's 23 minute long rant video on youtube complaining about the decay tactic and literally calling it "The WORST" war tactic he's ever seen.
However, I think I was very clear on the fact that I dislike the tactic, but completely understand why others do like it. Made that very clear at the beginning of the video.
I have no problem with people loving the tactic. I just do not
Easy meta leading up to holiday break? yes pls. will we win more wars probably not..
Really been enjoying your war videos the last couple of seasons by the way, grats again on the deathless season 😁👍
Because you still take damage if you hit RS block as far as I tried.