Game becoming more P2W

For last 3 months kabam is selling one of the two champs for ridiculous money. Beta, Nefaria, Jack and now Dazzler and she is not even coming in November which might make her not available in next Titan cycle. Is this how its gonna be from now on, battlepass or store purchase every month?
But in all honesty, Kabam has to sell champs to earn money and it's not like Beta Ray bill was anything ground breaking,
He's now in Titan, open and you'll get him. Also nefa is there.
Spiral dazzler will hopefully be in December Banquet Titan reset pool, so better start saving.
1. the more the spending gap increases, the faster it shuts back, giving everyone else the chance to catch up.
2. they design content in a way now, especially war, that makes these champions beneficial mainly in the short term, so players who don't spend aren't really missing out.
as kabam has a tighter grip over metas, i see an argument that spenders are getting less bang for their buck these days, which they don't really notice because kabam does a good job hiding it. in a way i'd argue the game is MORE f2p friendly these days, where spenders carry more weight on their shoulders and can't see it.
- more champs
- more immunity, resistance etc
- more demand for BG based champ
- more content
(I am a f2p)
I want to be hopeful but the titan reset happens in 22 days and if Dazzler doesn't battlepass doesn't come out by that time she might not be in Titan.
We literally had 2 battle passes this year. If you wanted dazzler/BRB you'd have to spend $100 for a 6* now you can spend $30 for a GUARANTEED 7*. If anything KABAM should do more REGULAR BATTLE PASSES.
Also you were always going to wait 3 months for a champion anyways, dazzler just happened to be the one you wanted and she was released last so you were unlucky and decided to notice this NOW when it's been in operating since the 6* featured crystals were a thing.
The titan rotates, if isophyne wasn't given to us and was an official champion and she got released before dazzler then she'd be the last champ in the DEC titan and dazzler would be moved to the February bunch.
Nothing's changed.
Instead of acting entitled and like the game is strictly for payers despite kabam giving F2P access to everything, what you should be doing is getting on your knees and PRAYING that dazzler gets released before isophyne although it's unlikely that's she'd be in the titan this DEC as that would defeat the whole purpose of her battle pass as people could pop a titan and get her instead of buying her. Well, never say never I guess.
F2P always want the same level of reward at the same time as people who pay.
That's not how the game has ever worked, if you want something that much, pay for it or wait till you can access it.
We used to get new champs in Titan in a max of 2 months. In this case Dazzler is meant to be last champ in Titan cycle but Kabam wants more money so they delayed her release intentionally so they can sell their battlepass, which is very greedy of them. And why don't we have gameplay of her anywhere, is she a Nov champ or Dec champ?
Also just watch Kabam make tiers in battlepass: one where you get the champ on day 1 and another after 1 month. This is just my observation with how this game is moving forward with respect to deals. I can only hope for Dazzler to be in Titan or else I have to break my f2p for her if they really give her away for $30.
You should cut Kabam some slack. Xmas is coming, they do need to make some kinda of money to help their employees feed their families. They have done a pretty good job keeping this game free to play and free of ads. Even if they release her in the titans, there’s no guarantee you will get her anyway. Unless u have a trick or two that could share with us.
If you can’t wait then you could pay and support the game like all the other generous spenders.
You may not care Abt isophyne but they put alot of effort and MONEY into her and are just giving her away for free.
As a marketing move they moved dazzler to December so they could at least bring in profit during December from champ release. And as COMPENSATION for making us wait an extra month they decided to make her cost 70% less or whatever % less it would cost to get her day 1(which I will be getting) as well as Guarantee us a 7* through the battle pass.
I'm assuming they expected dazzler during December to bring in the cost of 2 champions(dazzler and isophyne) which is why they didn't make her $100 because only MEGA WHALES AND/OR FANS of the character would purchase her Pre-Release (ME but not everyone has that amount to just throw out). So they decided to make her more cost friendly in hopes that not only the mega whales that buy every champ would get her, but ALSO CASUAL SPENDERS who may like what they see would drop $30 for her. This would reduce the cost but doubles the PROFIT GAINED as X3 of the people who would initially buy her before would buy her now.
Where are the kabam appreciation posts for THE DISCOUNT THEY LITERALLY GAVE US instead of complaining for waiting one more month.
Also to reply to your recent question, dazzler will cost $30 to get her in maybe the span of a month or 3 months which would mean you would get her in February alongside the time her titan drops (feb). NOTE: THIS IS ASSUMING THE BATTLE PASS IS 3MNTH AND SHE ISN'T HITTING THE TITAN THIS DECEMBER.
OR, you could get her on day 1 which I'm assuming will be an extra $5-20 which I DO THINK IS STILL A HUGE IMPROVEMENT FROM PRE-RELEASE COSTS which cost $100 for just a 6* while this is less for a guaranteed 7*. So as long as it is less than $100 KABAM DID VERY WELL FOR THIS DEAL.
If I could buy the battle pass twice I would so I could get her duped (that's just be being greedy).
Releasing Dazzler after Cyber Weekend when people have spent a lot already will affect the number of people who buy her from battlepass (there is banquet as well for which people might be saving). If I was Kabam I would put Dazzler for battlepass at the start of Nov where players can get her by the start of December this way I could milk whales twice without them feeling it. Your explanation is convincing but it falls apart because they are better off giving dazzler in battlepass in November itself.
Would you buy dazzler in November to get her in December (according to you) when she would've been also released in December and you can now get her in the titan in THE SAME December???
Cos according to you she should also drop this December in the titan.
You see why we can't have both??
It's flawed.
The only thing I'd agree on is that we should've already been getting CCP videos.
I NEED TO SEE SOME GAMEPLAY. At least build up the hype so people would want to INSTANTLY BUY HER when she's available.
Lack gameplay from CCP make it seem like she really is a December champ. I guess December not a single champ month anymore.
It may also be a part of reducing the load on holidays in general so folks dont have to fork out massive amounts of cash. Adding diversity to the cash flows so that folks (and kabam) wont be dependant on a single sale. It is a W for spenders, and overall W for the playerbase because it provides revenues to add devs to do a lot more. ( as it is apparent with all the content and buffs and events lately)