Valiants, what are you choosing in the SDE? Nov 2024 edition

Adri5846Adri5846 Member Posts: 154
Hi everyone.
With the necro of Crashed post, I'm curious about how has change our choice in the SDE with the past of some months. Now we can buy T4A in glory store and titan shards ara a little bit more common. I want to do a new poll to see the current results and compare with the previous one.

Valiants, what are you choosing in the SDE? Nov 2024 edition 88 votes

Titan Shards
AshyKnucklesXoxo18ButtehrsAgent_TEwell65SSS69MacGyverAdri5846StephD87SirGamesBondLBN1PT_99GalactikDonutKirberus_Awesomep12BEA5T_FURY 15 votes
Tier 4 Alpha Fragments
DrZolaCaptain_007_buffajrRagnarok13ShaggyMMatthewmercurytnair2015GarloBarath121Sairam44sxlbstverliebtPikoluZim1960svilariumEnvi1captain_rogersJez25FiiNCHIronGladiator22JJBoy19 59 votes
7-Stars Sig Stone Crystal
VaniteliapseudosaneZsirhcZRayven5220Justcause102Dose_ResponsiveMother_FlerkenDonDudu2809jcphillips7DeadTedpoolCloudddey_broZacharias10719MRpopoHulk808 14 votes


  • Adri5846Adri5846 Member Posts: 154
    Titan Shards
    With the amount of T4A of OAO and the inclusion in the glory store, now I´m picking titan shards. Also don´t have so many interesting 7 stars awakened who need sig stones and being a crystal is quite rng.

    In june i was picking T4A to get another 7*r3.
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,618 ★★★★★
    Titan Shards
    Titan shards till Banquet Titan historical pool reset,
    then T4-A
  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,652 ★★★★★
    Tier 4 Alpha Fragments

    I don’t play AQ enough at a high enough tier for the glory store to matter.

    Sig stones - I don’t have any champ that is going to be better max sig vs adding another R3 to the roster

    Titan shards - 😂😂😂😂😂
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,468 ★★★★★
    Tier 4 Alpha Fragments
    For now, T4a. I’ve been able to amass a decent cache of T4a, but I might shift to Titan shards at some point soon.

    Only issue is mediocre luck in current Titan pool and no desire to redupe champs from the current pool. I’m assuming Titan shards will be available over end of year events, so no need to waste on SDE prizes.

    Dr. Zola
  • PimbechePimbeche Member Posts: 68
    Tier 4 Alpha Fragments
    Adri5846 said:

    Hi everyone.
    With the necro of Crashed post, I'm curious about how has change our choice in the SDE with the past of some months. Now we can buy T4A in glory store and titan shards ara a little bit more common. I want to do a new poll to see the current results and compare with the previous one.

    T4a i think the banquet event will give us titan shards and sig stone so i staking for my next r3
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,097 ★★★★★
    Tier 4 Alpha Fragments
    Currently still taking T4a. If/when the battle grounds store gets a buff to include T4a I’ll probably move to sig stones. My luck with Titans is awful.
  • BEA5T_FURYBEA5T_FURY Member Posts: 146
    Titan Shards
    Have max amt of t4a already need the shards for the december pool which Just looks insane value need only like 9k shards to get my 5th titan so ya every bit of titan shards help
  • HarryatomixHarryatomix Member Posts: 483 ★★★
    Titan shards: 1.125% of Titan crystal (takes 88.8 days to form 1 crystal)
    T4a shards: 3.157% of T4a (31.6 days)
    Sig stone (random): 1 sig stone each day of random class

    I think percentage wise T4a is better value. Considering RNG aspect as well you can use T4a on any champ, Titan pull is RNG and sig stones are RNG as well.

    I do see T4a to open up in future especially after the big sales, but for now I think T4a is more valuable unless you do high tier wars where you get huge amount of T4a in season rewards. You can always shift your choice any day just take what you are in need of.

    Titan shards is the worst value in my opinion waiting almost 90 days to form one titan and pulling sable from it.
  • Awesomep12Awesomep12 Member Posts: 1,704 ★★★★
    Titan Shards
    Until I get a titan. Then it's t4a
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,170 ★★★★★
    Tier 4 Alpha Fragments
    I like the stones, but I don't have anyone at the moment that I am desperate to dump a bunch of sigs into.
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