Praise where it’s due, in my opinion. Good job Kabam.

These AoA fights so far (Autumn of Agony) in my opinion are some of the most well crafted, fun, while also challenging fights you guys have ever made.
If these kinds of nodes and fight designs are what we have to look forward to, I think the future of this game is very much so alive and well. Genuinely, some of the most fun I’ve had on MCOC- since I originally started playing back in late 2014. Keep up the great work in terms of this guys, honestly.
If these kinds of nodes and fight designs are what we have to look forward to, I think the future of this game is very much so alive and well. Genuinely, some of the most fun I’ve had on MCOC- since I originally started playing back in late 2014. Keep up the great work in terms of this guys, honestly.
The other 2 were okay, used Adam and Sam 🧐.
Set her Ruptures pre-fight, place the tracking, and rock on 🤘🏽! And she's Incinerate immune with 1 armor up buff, so you won't have to worry about getting burned.
For #metal I did it with Stealthy, I only have a maxed 5* no ascendend , took me 3 revives, but I guess if you play well you can do the figth with just one revive, my fisrt try with him I take her to 55%, the las three times I play really bad so I died so many times.