Why are players stubbornly not progressing?

I saw a 4 million account rating Thronebreaker and a few 5 million+ account rating Paragon
We also have 14 days old account FTP Valiant by a youtuber showing us that it is possible with good skills in playing
So why are these players refusing to progress in game?
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Why are players stubbornly not progressing? 88 votes

Progression is too difficult for some players so they are stuck
winterthurSnakeEyes69buffajrzuffyBosleycaptaincushArnavcaptain_rogersDoug4theWinTHUNDERBILGiantwalrus56ahmynutsGr8TonyStarkMeGhost96tufo24LBN1Duffman9813579rebel_Jcarlos_2902Lokx 29 votes
They can't be bothered with progression
SnizzbarGrandOldKaiSIlverProfessorphillgreenSundance_2099GuzmaSandeepSJakearoundJustcause102JimmyBLordSmasherEnvi1KnordyDonDudu2809Ewell65SSS69Disthene_TxLunatiXxWarlock14PybruhSpecM 43 votes
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UnyonfaceSCP1504HipocerosMagicsolJESUSCHRISTCdjcdkjJoker1976qm44The_0wenpusmbgibsonChuck_FinleyHonorable_BluJayAsher1_1arifin74Kingering_KingCROSSHAIRS 16 votes


  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,624 ★★★★★
    For those cav and under I think it’s the first option for those tb and higher I think it’s the second option
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 964 ★★★
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    Which begs the question, is progression in MCOC even necessary in the first place?
    It started with Uncollected title being created by Kabam
    Followed by Cavalier, Thronebreaker, Paragon and Valiant but what is the purpose of progression other than to segregate players into different tiers and now we have quite a few tiers
    Is it a necessary device in game to have these progression tiers?
    Does it serve the purpose of differentiating a player's skill level in game?
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,816 ★★★★★
    Starting from cav, I’ll go down the reasons.

    Reasons why cavs aren’t tb : Act 6 is arguably the hardest act in the game for where you should be, I’m sure it’s easier now. It’s difficult for some rosters to complete, with all the specific champions nodes.

    Tb not being paragon : they aren’t bothered with progression, they don’t care because they are also casual.

    Paragon not being valiant : one reason is rewards, the reward difference is close enough that you don’t really want to hit it unless you chase the title, other reason is because it is harder to hit then paragon and tb, because you need 2 r3s and many paragon players don’t even have one, however during this Black Friday sales you can technically buy valiant, with enough money and barely enough catalyst. Oh and of course the help of the webstore milestones
  • captaincushcaptaincush Member Posts: 986 ★★★★
    Progression is too difficult for some players so they are stuck
    Some people have mentioned physical issues that make some skills impossible for them to master, which makes sense
  • arifin74arifin74 Member Posts: 366 ★★★
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    Which begs the question, is progression in MCOC even necessary in the first place?
    It started with Uncollected title being created by Kabam
    Followed by Cavalier, Thronebreaker, Paragon and Valiant but what is the purpose of progression other than to segregate players into different tiers and now we have quite a few tiers
    Is it a necessary device in game to have these progression tiers?
    Does it serve the purpose of differentiating a player's skill level in game?

    Progression in MCOC isn’t really about showing off your skill. Like, someone might be Paragon today and Valiant tomorrow—it’s not like you magically get super skilled overnight.

    It’s more about chasing better rewards. The more you chase, the more you play. That’s kind of the point of the game: getting players to aim for the next big title. Some people might think the older titles don’t matter anymore, but when they first came out, they were just as big a deal as Valiant is now.

    When I was Uncollected last year, I thought I’d just chill, max out my 5-star roster, and play Battlegrounds. But then I noticed items were coming in slow, and Cavalier players were getting better stuff. So, I pushed for Cavalier , Thronebreaker and then Paragon. At first, I thought I’d stop at Paragon—Necro was super hard for me. But after four months, new options came out, and I managed to hit Valiant to stay in the top reward group.

    Honestly, I think players who aren’t progressing are hard casual. Maybe they’re grinding arena or slowly building up their roster. As for all the complaints you see on the forums, it’s mostly a small group of players being vocal about everything.
  • Sunstar19Sunstar19 Member Posts: 288 ★★
    They can't be bothered with progression
    Getting to Paragon and Valiant needs a lot of time for the difficult fights and more efforts to strategise, which is not the aim for those players. Most I think are contented and happy just to be in the alliance with a bunch of mates they know for a very long time. I agree with xLunaticxx comments that this is all fine. To each his own.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,815 ★★★★★
    Progression is too difficult for some players so they are stuck
    Like furry said, they made the lower acts easier by giving away 6*s like candy so there's no incentive to develop skill, but after cavailer players realise how tough the game will get, they enter the real game and it's tough for them to progress.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    It can be all kinds of things. I know that for me, I simply didn't think of progression for a very long time. I became Cav, had some trouble progressing in Act 6 (before all of the nerfs) and started looking elsewhere to have fun and expand my roster. I did the EQs, SQs, the Variants, all kinds of stuff that didn't include continuing with the story and becoming Thronebreaker.

    I probably stayed there for a year or so before even remembering that there was a story mode. When I did, I went back and to my surprise, absolutely crushed much of Act 6 (still before the nerfs - my progress was because I'd built up my roster a ton in the other game modes, which made everything much easier). After that I really liked Act 7 which in turn led to greater rewards which progressed my roster even further, and things kind of rolled on from there. I really started feeling that the gap between me and all of the youtubers whose guides I'd followed up until then was starting to close, and nowadays I don't feel like there's a particularly huge gap at all.

    My point is that it's very possible to have a lot of fun with the game without necessarily beelining through the progression tiers. When you become Cavalier or whenever it is that basically everything in the game is open for you to explore, you can have a grand old time even if you don't touch the story mode much at all.
  • CdjcdkjCdjcdkj Member Posts: 128 ★★
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    The ai is horrible now before it was missed inputs something is always wrong with the game
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 890 ★★★
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    Maybe because it’s a horrible long slog of reading countless bs nodes and so time consuming,
    ( especially when you’re trying to play catch up on progression tiers).
    That’s why when new story content drops i dive right in,..no waiting for youtube guides or what have you, and i will do the same when 9.2 drops…100%.
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,636 ★★★★★
    They can't be bothered with progression
    I didn't progress through Act 3 for ages because I was concentrating on developing my roster after doing Acts 1 and 2 100% and playing the EQ and SQ each month. I pushed through Act 3 when the tiered calendars below Uncollected came in. I then left Act 4 until I could develop my roster with more 5*s and ranking them up, and then pushed through it when they kept giving out all those l5 health pots and stuff each month in late '21 and early '22. I was going to stay at that point because I couldn't be bothered learning all the nodes and counters. My sister started playing last year and blew through Acts 1 to 4. Largely thanks to the above mentioned "higher rarity champs given out like candy" business. She then pushed into Act 5 and got Uncollected. I refused to let her get better than me, so I pushed to UC.

    After the introduction of the alternate route to progression by rank-ups, we both got Cavalier by ranking our 6*s. My sister's then got TB through that, but I haven't yet.

    Neither of us want to push on because we can't be arsed with all the complicated nodes and shid.
  • HipocerosHipoceros Member Posts: 100
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    I guess you forgot the crappy rewards for completing story and the large paths fot those 40-50 energies. It's more time rewarding to do anything but story.
  • CROSSHAIRSCROSSHAIRS Member Posts: 611 ★★
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    They have a life
  • lightningbaronlightningbaron Member Posts: 49
    I got hung up on mods in 6.1. I started to watch MCOC NOOB on YouTube. Completed 6.1 recently; so Cavalier / Faux Thronebreaker.

    With Kabam providing a fasttrack, it gave me the means to obtain the resources to develop the roster to tackle the story content. Without it, I wouldn't even have considered Act 5.

    Finally, work and family; the real life.
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