Battlegrounds fairness and ways to fix it

Starting this thread might bring a lot of hate, but try to stay a bit rational and then tell me I'm wrong. We all know (and Kabam told us so as well) that fair matching is a difficult issue. A more appropriate matching would substantially increase the timing, and apparently nobody wants that. So it is how it is.
But what if you, being a Vaillant, a legend, a god, whatever you are, with incredible heroes with unseen ratings, encountering a poorly chosen account, with not even half your own value, would simply forfeit and let the poor wanderer to win for once? What would cost you, and what is the gain for a quick carnage, is this bringing you any satisfaction?
I am myself in the middle of nowhere, not too small, not big at all and I pursued as I could some fights with huge accounts, and the most of them ended as soon as they started. A couple of times it happened what I mentioned before, I got forfeited and it was cool.
Since the game mechanics are not perfect and we encounter much smaller accounts than ours, why don't we all do this?
Especially for the reason the game is not demoting you if you lose matches, as it should, keeping you at a more reasonable level, but it's keep pushing you up and up until you can't find anymore a proper contender and you just stay there as a boxing bag, losing for eternity.
Just my 2c.
But what if you, being a Vaillant, a legend, a god, whatever you are, with incredible heroes with unseen ratings, encountering a poorly chosen account, with not even half your own value, would simply forfeit and let the poor wanderer to win for once? What would cost you, and what is the gain for a quick carnage, is this bringing you any satisfaction?
I am myself in the middle of nowhere, not too small, not big at all and I pursued as I could some fights with huge accounts, and the most of them ended as soon as they started. A couple of times it happened what I mentioned before, I got forfeited and it was cool.
Since the game mechanics are not perfect and we encounter much smaller accounts than ours, why don't we all do this?
Especially for the reason the game is not demoting you if you lose matches, as it should, keeping you at a more reasonable level, but it's keep pushing you up and up until you can't find anymore a proper contender and you just stay there as a boxing bag, losing for eternity.
Just my 2c.
So should the worst teams in the league get to stop playing the best in the league?
Is it fair profesional athletes give up so much to be where they are?...
Is it fair that "Hector is going to be running 3 Honda Civics with spoon engines. And on top of that he just came into Harry's and he ordered 3 T66 turbos, with NOS, and a Motec system exhaust." ??
Otherwise, even with LOSING (completing a Loss, NOT forfeiting) you still earn Points for the Events. (and not a huge amount of a drop, it is 1/2 as much as if you were able to Win, so not bad).
Those higher accounts are NOT gonna just waste points by Forfeiting to you.
**However, if they are just running off some BG's not really caring if they win or lose, because they are watching TV or something, they may indeed just play them out, but blindly tap lights/mediums randomly, which “basically” can let you win a match as a lower player.
(Yes, you have to play the match out, but some ppl will let you win)
There are also times, when I go against a much stronger player, I will pick a normal matchup for 1st match (just to see if they are serious about the match). And if they win it, I just pop a very small defender for the 2nd fight, let them finish me off quickly, and we can both get onto another matchup faster (while still getting points).
Or you could beg for coins I suppose
People talk about fair but I think they mean easy.
If u match smaller account 10 match so u should waste your elder marks(900) by giving free wins ??then need to play 10 more to climb up ?? Which considering u have unlimited time in a day to play BGs?
It's hard but if u keep completing content & grind u will be able to reach a point(6months-12months) ,u will beat big account with unique def & attackers