She hulk & Thanos pieces in the necro

When necro launched last year oct/nov, it included a deathless piece and on livestream, kabam jon(crashed) said explicitly that we would not be asked to go into the necro for another piece ever again. It looks worrisome that we now have to go back into necro for one. And conveniently when we all have units saved up for gifting(banquet). This would be the second year we’re being made to decide if we’re going to spend loads of units on content or just enjoy the gifting event like we’ve been doing every holiday of 2018,2019,2020.
Saw that a necro is now the challenge for a the piece and for the Thanos team.
Zero. Interest. I face-plowed 1 path for the realm/death counter. Hate that type of content personally…. I will live without whatever is offered.
I also suspect the champs in 10x10 drop might be part of new Necro Carina's challenges and that is perhaps the reason to give them in first place.
However i can do one half path tag challenge to get the she hulk piece (hopefully, there gotta be one easy challenge out of the 6).
The one time run through with R4 aegon DNA3000 is counting deaths was engaging for folks like me - 1 time. 6 more runs into Necro? lol… nah. I will never care about the rewards that much
(just to be clear, I’m not stating Wong is absolutely mandatory for any path)
She hulk being the only deathless champ I want and the only one I've actually collected all pieces for being locked behind a necro run(even if it's half a path) is very disappointing and unnecessary.
Honestly you can save 60 revives if you manage overflow, shouldn't be problem if it's 1 or 2 runs.
Not to mention year ago we didn't had this much access to r3, so if you happen to have one of the objective mvp at r3(highly likely) you shouldn't be having any issues.
This content is for players who are endgame and don't have anything worthy to burn revives. If you're not one of them, you can just grab she hulk piece and call it a day.
Kabam screwed up, again. I did Necro at a 'reasonable' cost, hated every second of it, and have zero intention of touching it again.
Pretty sure most players would back me up on that.
And before you come at me with, 'Just use Wong,' let me stop you there. Yeah, let me see what my 6-star, rank-1 Wong can totally accomplish,spoiler: not much.
Oh, and let’s not forget that objective in January Should just rename it to 'Missed a Piece? GTFO.'
I have Kate shuri Aegon and Wong
Now I agree Necro was fun compared to Abyss. And really enjoyed it as it was my goal to conquer it before this December. But if the some of challanges are limited to December only or rewards are for limited time then it is in clash with Banquet. And As Ftp that's Big L in my dictionary
I up for challenge but hope it's permanent
Dude, it's possible to run 100m in 9.8 seconds. Let's see you try...