Petition to Kabam to either change the livestream timings or make the code active for min 24 hours

The 10th year live stream was scheduled at 3am at my time.
Now I came to know that there were 2 codes giving crystals and t6 iso.
Guess what?
The codes were active for less than 6 hours.
Already the livestream timings are difficult for me.
Now the codes are also active for so short duration.
It shouldn't be like this honestly.
My petition is for future livestreams, the timings should not be appropriate for PST only but for general population too.
If not possible, then at least make the codes active for at least 24 hours.
Now I came to know that there were 2 codes giving crystals and t6 iso.
Guess what?
The codes were active for less than 6 hours.
Already the livestream timings are difficult for me.
Now the codes are also active for so short duration.
It shouldn't be like this honestly.
My petition is for future livestreams, the timings should not be appropriate for PST only but for general population too.
If not possible, then at least make the codes active for at least 24 hours.
@RichTheMan @Lagacy @BrianGrant @BeroMan @Karatemike415
(just not the extra Easter egg hunt test one)
Kabam really needs to fix this. It was horrible to begin with, more and more ppl prove why it’s so dam horrible for any Promo that last less than 24hrs!! Stop penalizing ppl for having a job, or trying to dam sleep for gods sake. Plus ppl have to dam work to make money for themselves (u if u had a clue!) and their families. Get ur act together
The codes are for people who took their time out to watch the stream.
Earth is big place, really big, so Kabam can't accommodate everyone,
What they can do is, starting Twitch stream at time where most of playerbase can be active and that's what they did.
But in all honesty, twitch rewards drops should be coming automatically instead of having us write prompts, that way one can just start stream and do other things.
I think they didnt need to do this another one to prevent confusion and complains as we see in some threads, but now is done.
About my yesterday thread, always a promocode appeared on friday, so it was because of that , i thought on a 3rd one.
And 24 hours as its asked here is being done for the past promocodes, so its ok
If the stream is kept at 9am PST, then at least make the codes including giveaway codes active for at least 24 hours so that players like us can actually put the code.
Some codes are ok to have a 24h timer and some not, players that find time to attend their stream should be rewarded with something extra.
Just a FYI I didn't get it either, do you see me complain?
If it wasn't active, it would say so, but it says I have already used it. Most likely, you aren't putting it in right.
I saw it somewhere in the forums.
This code was valid for less than 6 hours.
Even though mod said that it was a scavenger hunt, still you cannot expect people living at other hemisphere would be awake and going through the codes..
That's why my petition, to make the codes, all codes active for at least 24 hours.
Still time to delete this comment
People here loves promocodes
Oh and the UK most people are leaving work at the exact time the livestream start,but what does it matter,I watched the whole thing on bus,walking and in a taxi,claimed my drops,5 minutes later I went back to twit ch because no items were on just said failed,then drop not claimed,and now I can't find the claim tabs.
Applause please?
There's no need for language like that!