Deathless Thanos worth 15k units?

Is he worth 15k units as I sadly I missed 1 piece of deathless guillotine and 2 of deathless king groot due to life events. So I would need to buy them from the store.
What do you all think after watching his showcase as I have 11k units for banquet and will try and grind out more.
What do you all think after watching his showcase as I have 11k units for banquet and will try and grind out more.
One will be on carina necro challenge and the last on banquet milestones
Also thank you all for your opinions. Seems like it’s a 50/50 deal if he is worth it or not. I know once he is available it will be more clear cut. Just would hate to drop 15k units on him then be upset that he isn’t living up to the hype. Since we have seen some showcases that look great but when they come out they are mid… deathless vision for example.
Even if you can do a tap in to win the fight like the royal hunt, imagine trying to bring the last champ down to 1 or 2% and then accidentally K.O. with the wrong champ and have to start the path again? No thank you, 5k is a bargain and I will be content with my Thanos unduped as well.