Bug in french bg store

PimbechePimbeche Member Posts: 67
I have found a bug in the french bg store the ammount of 7* shard was incorect it was 500 for 3500 and not 1000 .
A member of my ally play in english and i have the correct Ammount.


  • PimbechePimbeche Member Posts: 67
    The first picture was the member of my ally who play in english and the second was me it was the same for the other member of my team who play in french so im not alone .
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,686 Guardian
    Kabam already said is just a visual Bug.

    If you purchase it, you should see increase by 1000 in your Shards Inventory.
  • PimbechePimbeche Member Posts: 67

    Kabam already said is just a visual Bug.

    If you purchase it, you should see increase by 1000 in your Shards Inventory.

    Ok thanks for the info !
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