Has anyone tested if the Wisdom and Intelligence masteries increase the experience we get from refined XP
We don't know yet, as we haven't seen the effects from the refined XP. Also, I do believe we will only be able to climb significantly through the refined XP, all the other stuff that boosts the XP gain won't make much of a difference, I might be wrong though
Has anyone tested if the Wisdom and Intelligence masteries increase the experience we get from refined XP
We don't know yet, as we haven't seen the effects from the refined XP. Also, I do believe we will only be able to climb significantly through the refined XP, all the other stuff that boosts the XP gain won't make much of a difference, I might be wrong though
Refined isnt affected by boosts id say also same with masteries since it adds to regular xp not refine xp
Is the Refined XP something that will only be gotten as like an ITEM, from Events/Objectives, etc (or Quest Completion or Explore REWARDS items) ?
But not from normal as from doing FIGHTS ?
And conversely, is REGULAR XP available as a “Reward Item” from those non-fights things ? *if so, is Regular XP gotten from such Reward/Item areas currently affected from XP Mastery or XP Boosts ?
Or does Mastery and Boosts only affect XP earned from FIGHTS ?
Should impact all xp gains except for refined xp since that is in it's own category. We are definitely earning xp for fights, but it's peanuts in comparison to what we get from the refined xp amounts.
Maybe someone has a insightfull comment
But not from normal as from doing FIGHTS ?
And conversely, is REGULAR XP available as a “Reward Item” from those non-fights things ?
*if so, is Regular XP gotten from such Reward/Item areas currently affected from XP Mastery or XP Boosts ?
Or does Mastery and Boosts only affect XP earned from FIGHTS ?