Was misled and Bought the 10K unit deals

So I am Valiant and I bought the 10k unit deals thinking Ievel 60-70 would be easy just auto fighting EQ.
Is it true that autofighting alone will Not get me to level 70 thus I cannot obtain the units?
If so I will request a refund because I am retired but only play casually and mostly autofight
Is it true that autofighting alone will Not get me to level 70 thus I cannot obtain the units?
If so I will request a refund because I am retired but only play casually and mostly autofight
Nonsense. You can autofight to your hearts content. It still gives you xp.
So sometime around 2034, you'll get your units, just in time for the 20th anniversary.
On the surface, it appears to be a good deal because of $30 for 10K units. It was to be distributed in installments based on level. One probably thought it was going to be before the banquet.
Was mislead by my eyes?
Was mislead by my mind?
Was mislead by my ears......It sounded like jingle bells?
Was mislead by my nose, It smell delicious?
Was mislead by my mouth, it started salivating?
There have been dozens of discussions on the official forums, the subreddit, and the official Discord about the level cap increase and the mechanics of Refined XP.
Who led you to believe it would be easy? Whoever that was, you should blame them.