Thanks Kabam for the compensation!

Honestly this has been some of the best compensation of the year, gotta give credit to Kabam here as they did the right thing! Let’s hope this doesn’t happen again eh? 😂 Will I use him? Nah probably not. But will I appreciate the rewards from duping him twice? Yes absolutely.
If this gave you a titan crystal, good luck with it!

If this gave you a titan crystal, good luck with it!

11 pages of..
And resolution (easier to give 2x, no matter your status of whether calendar was bugged for you, that way everyone guaranteed of a DUP'd Spidey. Instead of only Dup for some ppl whose calendar was OK)
LOVE that Kabam’s fix was just comp everyone, and honestly hope more people take this as an opportunity to see just how the reworked Petey actually runs as a 7*.