Post your new titan pulls

Let’s see some patriots.
Good luck everyone, I don’t have enough shards, otherwise I would be begging for hitmonkey.
Good luck everyone, I don’t have enough shards, otherwise I would be begging for hitmonkey.
Is he getting a tune up?
Very happy, much more than I expected to be. Only thing that might’ve made this better is if I got an Arcade dupe instead of Shathra (I already have her as a 6*) but I’m hardly mad at pulling her instead.
Was hoping for nefaria but I’m excited about this one!
Less than 5k shards away from another one.
Not a Rhulk but not mad.
Was hoping for Scream, but not sorry about this pull
I just wanted jack
Brb, jumping out the nearest window
Heard he’s pretty good!
Dumpster fire for me. Patriot is f##king sig 60 now man
Really really really wanted Scream but I can’t exactly complain.
Will be My next r3
Is he good?
Also got Jack from another nexus between him, Scream, and Hood.