Couple questions about the Necro challenges.

Dirty_DozzDirty_Dozz Member Posts: 547 ★★★
First, for the Mutant one, is Stryfe and Northstar good? They should be, since they're both built for long form content. But if the more popular Onslaught and/or Mr Sinister is easier (since it's only a half path), I'll just do that.

Second, are any of the teams for the challenges that allow you to take the bottom path (so Carinas Challengers, 10 Year Challengers, and Dimensional Beings) good for doing a full run? I've done the 3 paths on the left (starting with Mr. F, Sauron, and Titania), and still have the ones on the bottom, so I figured try and kill 2 birds with one stone.

Thanks in advance!


  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 824 ★★★★
    I won’t say anything about the mutant objective with full authority since I haven’t done it, but realistically Stryfe and Northstar should be fine options. If anything, they should benefit from having direct counterplay to the trap node evade. I imagine they’re not being used mostly because people are more familiar with Onslaught and Sinister’s gameplay and have them ranked up. I suggest just taking potshots at Sauron with them to try and get an idea for who you prefer.

    As for the second question, I can actually speak to that; I did a full 10-year challenge run on the right side, specifically path 4 (Jubilee/Stryfe). I’m not certain if it’s the best choice if you want to do a full run on the right side, I only did that path because it was the last one I had left for full exploration, but I did a write-up about my experience and some general advice if you’re interested. I will note that I used a 6* r5 Sentry, you might benefit from waiting for banquet to pull a 7* version of him.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,299 Guardian
    I've done the challenge and stryfe is pretty good for it. I haven't used Northstar personally, but he is also probably decent.

    For stryfe the annoying part is his initial ramp on the first fight. The benefits though are his mediums bypass evade and thorns. He was very nice for Chavez.

    Sinister is also amazing for the path.

    I personally only used onslaught for Wiccan since he crushes Wiccan by parrying and then dexing for the incinerates on yourself. Despair and daunted will keep him from ever healing. Very not stressful even with a 6*.

    Northstar should be good, I think BmCG is the one with necro gameplay on him, he is cracked so I would probably recommend.
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