I knew we gonna get rank 4’s in the banquet event

And people said we wouldn’t see them for along time lol.

Contest of disagreement 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Contest of disagreement 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The thread said “when will we start SEEING” r4
Stop trying to twist it and think you got me on this one.
KEY WORD “seeing” and the next big sale to get r4’s? July 4th for sure now.
Reciepts here also
And looks like they are coming for banquet
Only matter of time till 4th July
Deals for rank 4 materials
Sorry but RIP 6*'s 😂
While you did make a petty thread like this. And then getting triggered by disagrees, inviting more disagrees. Idk dude internet works in weird ways.
At this point I don't think people even read your posts. They see your name, press disagrees and move on. Then you mention disagrees. And the vicious cycle continues. 🤷♂️
Hating is free so I get that.
Yea people just triggered.
I made a post when will “see” r4’s and whole forum goes in shambles 🤣
Gota count ur wins because when I made that thread everyone just be hating.
Remember close mouths don’t get fed, I spoke out just seeing what community thought when we will “see” r4’s”
had alot of negative responses that strongly disagree.
Bro is starving for attention.
Whoever said that?
Literally the time lapse isn’t even that big.
I literally said r4’s are coming soon and it could be in the banquet but yall thought otherwise.
@Buttehrs & @Smoky4ii20
Dang that sucks.
I don’t try to come off mean though, I just be trolling at times.
Dont take it seriously, for example I knew demonzfyre or someone I had interactions with, would say
“why did you make another thread about titan pull”
I just wanted my own post so I can go back at it.
There’s no rule saying im not allowed to make my own post also.
I just had a big feeling r4’s would come and I wanna be like
“I told you so!”
Just remember hating is free that’s why a lot people just put “disagree” on literally everything on this forum.
Crazy how some people live on the forums I just come here when I feel like posting or have some thoughts to put out. 😂
If you want that to be here, now that Banquet News is out, then keep it here.