Disappointing Banquet Event?

I think it goes without saying that the grand banquet event, used to celebrate 10 years of the contest, is dividing players. I myself feel that the event is a complete letdown and overall a disappointment. It makes sense now why Kabam chose not to reveal the reward structure until the last minute. As somebody who spent 15k units (the equivalent of $650 CAD) only to have the best rewards from my 50 crystals be 17k 7* shards and a quarter of a titan… I wish I could take those units back. That being said, what does everyone else think of the event? As an endgame player who’s been around since day 1, the event was a disaster. For some new players, perhaps it was satisfying. Let’s hear it out.

Disappointing Banquet Event? 530 votes

The Grand Banquet was great!
FeuerschwerSecondSkrillerCondemnedToeLeediman39KØNGege999menGuyGardnerJames_LebeauShamir51BuggyDClownaldenchan2011PowerOfACandlePrincessTeaAsher1_1Smoky4ii20PimbecheDwight_K_Shrute3England73738CandyCane2 19 votes
The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
Madman_marvinGamerBigPoppaCBONEiss76Nightwing2380KeonexRaganatorFreakydJonny123CrkwestHalf_blood_PrinceSpity68Mainer123SligMdm716CrimsonBadgerthe_eradicatorTryakshaJoey0480Dshu 423 votes
The Grand Banquet was alright.
Mpd1Kaat19KlizeusNuclekerrJclark3168Standardman1989captaincushCPT_Tgohard123MasterduxGuptaanuj0095AustinU823DONZALOOG1234TheNinjaCowboiTatteredSailMigginslyAwakenedzSolvseusRockypantherxLordSmasher 88 votes


  • DkaptainDkaptain Member Posts: 39
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    Opened 50 superiors and got jack, spent all my units on cw beforehand. I'm done with whaling, at least until they add King Daredevil as a champ, Ill stick with f2p for now.
  • KillswitchmitchKillswitchmitch Member Posts: 25
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    These crystals are absolute garbage. Doesn’t feel like I’m celebrating 10 years of playing this game right now.
  • SquidopusSquidopus Member Posts: 831 ★★★★
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    Honestly I could make a case and say the rewards are alright, although as ahmynuts said that’s pretty much all down to milestone event rewards and not the crystals themselves. Unfortunately this is just the first banquet I’ve partaken in where I’m just not feeling anything, and in that sense I can’t really not call it a disappointment even if a feeling of “nothing” implies indifference more than being let down.
  • HighdrenalineHighdrenaline Member Posts: 60
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    Pretty dissatisfied but not as much as the omega event lol any RNG event for 75% of community seems to be disappointing
  • spidyjedi84spidyjedi84 Member Posts: 437 ★★★
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    even the R5 I did for 6 stars made me angry when all I was drawing was rank up materials.
  • Punk_duck6Punk_duck6 Member Posts: 1
    I opened 30 hoping to at least R3 someone but no, just iso gold and t5 cc absolutely shocking event.
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,826 ★★★★★
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    big fat bump
  • KillswitchmitchKillswitchmitch Member Posts: 25
    edited December 2024
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    Feels like the Grand Dumpster event with this outdated trash
  • Doomsday9Doomsday9 Member Posts: 1
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    I opened 30 crystal and most of them was iso…. Very disappointed event…
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,826 ★★★★★
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!

    what do you have to say for yourself…?
  • Shadow_ShooterShadow_Shooter Member Posts: 509 ★★★
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    0% think the event was great, nothing more to add..
  • This content has been removed.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,865 ★★★★★
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    Slightly (un)related: how/when do we get more accolades to gift?
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