Disappointing Banquet Event?

I think it goes without saying that the grand banquet event, used to celebrate 10 years of the contest, is dividing players. I myself feel that the event is a complete letdown and overall a disappointment. It makes sense now why Kabam chose not to reveal the reward structure until the last minute. As somebody who spent 15k units (the equivalent of $650 CAD) only to have the best rewards from my 50 crystals be 17k 7* shards and a quarter of a titan… I wish I could take those units back. That being said, what does everyone else think of the event? As an endgame player who’s been around since day 1, the event was a disaster. For some new players, perhaps it was satisfying. Let’s hear it out.
Disappointing Banquet Event? 530 votes
The fact we moved to ”superior” banquet crystals is laughable.
As someone with close 20 r4’s the 12k units I spent did nothing for my account with my opening 🤣
Thank you.
I opened at least 20 more crystals on the first day this year than the last, and pulled considerably worse rewards. Nothing above low amounts of 7* shards or parts of tier 6 crystals. Last year I got a *7 Kang and other fun rewards that made the event feel special.
The tier rewards have been pretty good so far, but at this rate I will not bother saving up for next year’s banquet vent.
Ps my alt opened the 5 free greater crystals from accolades and got a 5* selector and paragon crystals. To which is say was better than the superior crystals.
Out of 1st 10 sup crystals, I got 4 T5CC. Why would anyone have to spend 300units to get T5CC while we can get 'selector' cheaper in Alliance and BG store.
Not spending any more units. I will just take the milestone rewards I get for free.
what do you have to say for yourself…?