Disappointing Banquet Event?



  • SagaChampionSagaChampion Member Posts: 1,379 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    Disappointed πŸ₯²
  • Shadow_ShooterShadow_Shooter Member Posts: 509 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    97% of players think this was **** event, yet they have the audacity to call this β€œsome of people”. Shame, shame, shame…
  • LadyAltoidsLadyAltoids Member Posts: 49 β˜…
    I was about to hit the purchase of 4x the banquet crystals ($200) from the webstore but I decided maybe I just peaked at the YT vids on how it goes and found a lot of bad comments so I don’t think I will be purchasing. I am quite a whale for this game. But karma said in previous stream that rewards are better and that there are less fillers. So that was not true at all. I’ll save up my units for the 4th of July events.
  • the_eradicatorthe_eradicator Member Posts: 415 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    Why in the hell is there so much of ISO ...who asked for ISO bruv ? This is the biggest filler..
  • DarknessFallsDarknessFalls Member Posts: 165 β˜…β˜…
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    The milestone are alright, but the SBC drops are horrendous, all the good things in the crystal, like the keys, the 7 star selectors, jessica jones, trophy champ selector combined also doesn't amount to 1% in the drop. I didn't knew we were so lucky with drops that it was kept this low. Got nothing 😞
  • Gildarts99Gildarts99 Member Posts: 449 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!

    Man, that Christmas gift better be worth it or the sting from this event is only going to get worse. Who would have thought that in this in-game economy, β€œsuperior” would feel like a bare bones waste of units.

    Just forget about it at this point man.
  • Villain_87Villain_87 Member Posts: 226 β˜…β˜…
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    I want to know the locations of red one
  • CrkwestCrkwest Member Posts: 433 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    I'm just so disappointed 😞
  • JJJmJJJJJJmJJJ Member Posts: 141 β˜…β˜…
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    The problem is not the drop rate but gambling addiction.
  • Packm8123Packm8123 Member Posts: 4 β˜…
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    I'm a FTP player and saved 2.5k units for this. I've been playing this game for a decade now since 2014 on and off(life is hard) and this event was dooky ngl. I expected way more 🀷🏽
  • Asher1_1Asher1_1 Member Posts: 905 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    The Grand Banquet was great!

  • KlizeusKlizeus Member Posts: 23 β˜…
    The Grand Banquet was alright.
    For me, it was alright, but I want to put it in perspective:
    1. I'm Paragon, thinking of pushing for valiant.
    2. I hate doing Everest content. It's just not fun for me. So getting the resources for 2 r3 7 stars was my goal and I've achieved it.
    3. I was super lucky an pulled a 7 star Jessica Jones
    4. I pulled 7 star Deadpool X-force
    5. Pulled a bunch of other decent 7 stars (I think the grand total is 8)

    So, I'm not Valiant yet, but will soon be thanks to the event and I got pretty lucky.
  • Amanda_CruzeAmanda_Cruze Member Posts: 348 β˜…β˜…
    Klizeus said:

    For me, it was alright, but I want to put it in perspective:
    1. I'm Paragon, thinking of pushing for valiant.
    2. I hate doing Everest content. It's just not fun for me. So getting the resources for 2 r3 7 stars was my goal and I've achieved it.
    3. I was super lucky an pulled a 7 star Jessica Jones
    4. I pulled 7 star Deadpool X-force
    5. Pulled a bunch of other decent 7 stars (I think the grand total is 8)

    So, I'm not Valiant yet, but will soon be thanks to the event and I got pretty lucky.

    How many units you spend?
  • AshacekarAshacekar Member Posts: 2,371 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    It wasn't worth my units spent. Waiting for realm completion and holiday gift to have some peace.
  • KlizeusKlizeus Member Posts: 23 β˜…
    The Grand Banquet was alright.

    Klizeus said:

    For me, it was alright, but I want to put it in perspective:
    1. I'm Paragon, thinking of pushing for valiant.
    2. I hate doing Everest content. It's just not fun for me. So getting the resources for 2 r3 7 stars was my goal and I've achieved it.
    3. I was super lucky an pulled a 7 star Jessica Jones
    4. I pulled 7 star Deadpool X-force
    5. Pulled a bunch of other decent 7 stars (I think the grand total is 8)

    So, I'm not Valiant yet, but will soon be thanks to the event and I got pretty lucky.

    How many units you spend?
    I haven't spent anything since the last Banquet.
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 892 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    Happy 10th,..thanks for sticking around!!
  • KingKongColby38KingKongColby38 Member Posts: 7 β˜…
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    Beyond disappointed,spent about 4k units and got bunch t6ccs and gold that's about it! Soni can r2 a few 7*s for all that? Really??
    Just dunno anymore played game for 8yrs and the way this event panned out just felt empty every other year I atleast got a trophy champ or atleast that 1 thing that makes you thinks ok not a bad event" not this time!
    I understand their feelings about the sup crystals and whaling but the truth is the gap is their and always will be their is very little the whales need anyway in the entire event except placing in top rank for r4 mats.So the whales are going to be the only ones to get that anyways making the gap inevitable,why not make the other 80%+ of your player base feel happy or even satisfied? Think your more or less slapping us in the face unintentionally albeit but nevertheless it's true!
    Think their should be a comp package or something to make up for the wasted units for such a mid return. That's the only way they are going to save face or I feel alot people will be moving on.
  • Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 1,172 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    The Grand Banquet was alright.

    This event was insane for my Uncollected alt account🀣🀣

    I think this event was made for uncollected and below players.
  • HeilkamHeilkam Member Posts: 19 β˜…
    The Grand Banquet was truly a disappointment!
    Total disappointment
  • Hen4yHen4y Member Posts: 27 β˜…
    @mcocteams about latest response on grand Banquet:

    all very nice, correct we liked the gifts, but the Gift are gifts, what does all this have to do with the grand banquet event? which is a paid event, badly conceived, with a ridiculous drop of crystals, in my country we say that those who meow water and oil are justifying themselves very badly, we need to take cover if next year you want to hope that this event survives
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