
  • Propane722Propane722 Member Posts: 15
    I would love to see an individual and community report of the rewards released/received from the crystals. With that info, we can get a true idea of the percentages so far. The opening of crystals is the excitement for this event as it is our “slot machine”. If I was in a casino, I would have cut my losses already and left.
  • PseudouberPseudouber Member Posts: 874 ★★★
    hot garbage. Definitely killed this event for anyone wanting to spend in the future. I spent so much and the only thing I got that I cared about was 2 titan crystals from shards. And if course got kabamed. Pulled 2 count neferia in a row. He's good but I got him last event and used my awaking gem on him and all my sig in exchange for my 40k titan shatds I got 2400 titan shards. Gee thanks I lost everything I won so came out with nothing at all I care about. Fml
  • HighdrenalineHighdrenaline Member Posts: 58
    edited December 2024
    300 units for Two Signature stones or a T5 CC or a Small amount of Shards/Frags isnt worth it. If anything you guys are losing money by the drop rates/rewards being terrible tbh . i normally buy the Banquet crystal bundles every year but the more and more i play this game i realize not to waste money on RNG cause it never goes my way . i rather buy something that i know i will get instead of being super disappointed. this years cyber weekend was a prime example(knew exactly what i was getting). Overall this year Omega event and Banquet were really dissatisfying but the Poolie and Cyber Weekend event were fantastic. i know what to look foward to and what not to look foward to in this game now..

    *** i 100% agree also what others are saying, I can earn more in BGs/Daily Super Event for the less the effort then it takes earning 300 units and wasting it on a SBC. you have to consider the grind/time/dedication it takes to acquire units and maybe you would understand the community’s reason for being disappointed on the small rations of rewards . i appreciate what you guys do , and will always continue to play this game and put money into it so it grows just expressing my honest opinion/feedback on how i feel about this current event . hope we can do better next time 👍
  • DoNLoGaN85DoNLoGaN85 Member Posts: 6
    These crystals on the 10th year anniversary are a total let down. RNG is always at play yes but these crystals are basically 300 unit a pop t6cc shard crystals. 5700 t6cc for 300 units? Even 11400? To open 126 crystals (units wise 37800 if all purchased this way) to get roughly 8.5 t6cc, 12k 7* shards, 5k titan shards, the equiv of 46 total sig stones (+5 basic x2 and +5 class specific x3 included) and 1.8x t4a. Let alone prob 20x t5 class which is meaningless when you get a few a day from daily super event.The rewards from the milestones are decent enough, im not greedy, but to do this in the crystals is disgusting and has really put me off anything rng based. No way any other company would have players put in over 1000 worth of crystals to get this sort of rewards.
    I hope Kamab sort out some sort of compensation for this blunder, wouldnt be hard to build a package for summoners compensation saying:
    0-5k score gets such and such
    5k-10k gets more
    15-20k and 20k score and above gets max compensation at the end of the event. Even just as a sorry we know we messed up. I know it wont happen but gota put it out there.
    50% filler we was told, its closer to 80% filler this year.
  • TeddersTedders Member Posts: 146 ★★
    For me as a middle valiant player the amount of the shards in the crystal was too small, 5700 of class cat for 300 units was just insulting. The worst part is the disparity this caused between different catalysts in my overflow.. I have way to many basic and tier 3 but not enough class to use them
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  • Viper198787Viper198787 Member Posts: 601 ★★★★
    Here are my thoughts about the event, namely the crystals, which keep in mind cost 300 units a piece:

    -10%-20% of a random T6C is not exciting and feels bad. It should be at minimum a 50% selector. You can get 1.25 T6C per week in BG store of whichever class you want and 50% from glory store. So spending 300 units to get a random 10% feels bad.

    -T5C shouldn’t even be in the SBC honestly.

    -the shard drops feel very stingy.i hardly saw any 7* shards and no titan shards. I was expecting to be able to see a lot more shards and was very disappointed. And why was there such a large gap in titan shard drops? 1,000, 2,000, and 20,000? Why not 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, and 20,000? It just seems weird to not have any middle ground.

    -I think the main thing is these crystals are very underwhelming for valiant players and maybe even paragon because you had to neuter it since TB players share the pool. If ever there were a time to reward valiant players now would’ve been it.

    I managed to get lucky with a 7* JJ but had I not pulled that I would’ve been as underwhelmed as everyone else.
  • PseudouberPseudouber Member Posts: 874 ★★★
    edited December 2024
    Feel like quitting 😪
  • ElthanElthan Member Posts: 102 ★★
    I guess they went under an operation at the hospital to surgically remove their shame to still send such mails...
  • KontraktKillaKontraktKilla Member Posts: 52
    I believe the drop rates are far too low for anything that isn’t a rank up material. They don’t have to be so high that you get the best rewards every time, but for the crystal cost vs what the most dropped item is cat fragments, that’s not a great value. The shards should be higher drop rates than what they are so you’re at least split between cats and shards for the majority of openings or the cost should be lower for the crystal as is.

    I think expectations for the event were high and people are just generally disappointed by the low value in return for their units spent and the event should have provided value to better match expectations.

    The milestones are good value overall but the value returns from the crystals is in the gutter.

    The bell curve of greatest value rewards for an “event” like this shouldn’t be so far to the right and so extremely rare. Opening 100 crystals should guarantee that you get the top rewards at least a couple times in that. Highest thing I got was a single titan crystal. 85 percent was all cats, and theres was a handful of shards.
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  • Gildarts99Gildarts99 Member Posts: 449 ★★★
    MCOC Team said:

    Hey Summoners,

    We just wanted to take a moment and address some of the concerns around our Banquet event this year as we see some of you are disappointed with the Superior Banquet Crystals in particular.

    We wanted to move more of the rewards to the milestones, while keeping 7-star relevant rewards in the crystals as you build up your tracks in the various milestones between solo and alliance-based events. Our intention was to improve the experience over last year's event, and feel we have succeeded in that goal.

    That being said, we want to make sure the game team sees and hears you, so please leave your constructive feedback on what you’d like to see changed.

    Like seriously?fr?
  • NukeNuke Member Posts: 94
    I’ll use whatever units I have on hand but I’m not ponying up any cash for this mess. In a couple days they will release juicey unit deals (which I won’t purchase) and then another round of outrage from those who spent cash on the Banquet deal or Odins at the start of the event. Just watch.
  • Viper198787Viper198787 Member Posts: 601 ★★★★
    I think the biggest note is that for a 10th anniversary celebration with the Grand Banquet, it doesn’t feel like a celebration of the player base and the game itself. It feels like players are throwing their hard earned/paid units into a black hole and not winning glorious prizes. I’m not sure if you all have anything else planned for the 10 year but it certainly doesn’t feel glorious and like we’re celebrating 10 years.
  • ZodlessbgZodlessbg Member Posts: 23
    3 added 7* crystals won't add up for the mess. Not everyone who spent under 12k will get that.
  • AshuvinuAshuvinu Member Posts: 73
    Please provide compensation for our spent units as we have been scammed by sbc as valiant @teamkabam
  • Milos_Feast75_Milos_Feast75_ Member Posts: 8
    So when do the keys become available in Odins and will it be both store and in game?
  • LuigihulksmasherLuigihulksmasher Member Posts: 92 ★★
    Add a nexus titan to every level of milestones and give them to us right now otherwise you scammed us
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