I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Kabam aren’t going to respond to this post. The whole “what’s your opinion, because we think we did great” opening seems to settle the debate for them.
Crash will make a post soon whenever hes done with he post banquet update review
Still wondering when we’re gonna get crashed’s post mortem as he referred to it write up.
Its gotta be well detailed summery of the event the outcome the right the wrong etc last time it also took a few days after banquet ended for his post write up thoughts
A standard rule in disaster recovery is offical communication to public comes from an authorized spokesperson only.
Kabam Crashed has assumed this role and is the conduit of information, Dave and K-mike can not interfere in the communication as that would make it worse ( for kabam). That is why they are silent in this. I am sure they are involved internally.
Crashed stated he would respond and address players concerns and issues. I hope it will be a response and willing to engage in discussion rather then a response recap and " this subject is closed " post.
One of these pics is from opening SBCs and the other is from the daily crystals. Spending 300 units for a bunch of stuff that you can actually get for free hurts and (like me) people who got a bunch of crystals early (not realizing the drop rate or small amount of stuff) feel cheated.
We just wanted to take a moment and address some of the concerns around our Banquet event this year as we see some of you are disappointed with the Superior Banquet Crystals in particular.
We wanted to move more of the rewards to the milestones, while keeping 7-star relevant rewards in the crystals as you build up your tracks in the various milestones between solo and alliance-based events. Our intention was to improve the experience over last year's event, and feel we have succeeded in that goal.
That being said, we want to make sure the game team sees and hears you, so please leave your constructive feedback on what you’d like to see changed.
It's pretty simple imo if you want people to enjoy any type of event that you have to spend units and money then u have to make it worth what you are spending. Therefore the 300 unit crystals shouldn't contain anything in them that aren't worth 300 units. 300 units has a 10$ pricetag essentially so then when I can spend 10$ on the valiant weekly deal and I get 2500 7 star shards plus all the other mats then why am I opening a 300 unit crystal and only getting 1000 7 star shards? I bought the 50$ 10 SBC deal and when I opened them It just felt like I flushed my money down the toilet. At this point the gold and iso is worthless. Even when I opened a crystal and got the 630 t7 basic it was a disappointment. I would never spend 10$ on 1% of a catalyst that I need at least 3 of to rank up a champ! It's not rocket science anytime that people spend they want equal or greater value in return so even the worst things in the crystal should still feel like it has value. It definitely shouldn't have had worse drops then the best thing in the daily crystals. And the rewards after that should feel like something extra and that's it. Also the fact that you gave select people special deals is infuriating. I spent like 600$ and had to spend all my in game currency to do rankups already then I find out that you practically gave away all the things I just used it on so other people could do rankups. That was cheating. Changing the value of an item for certain people is the same thing as modding. Giving the rest of the players the same deal after the fact doesn't make it even. Especially when the rest of us can't actually use them so we are still greatly being overshadowed. After all this I will be hardpressed to spend any more money on this game. It's supposed to be a fun contest but the way everything is set up now there's no way that anyone can catch up or compete with the people already established at the top, and are also getting extra perks from their friends at kabam. Saying that you feel you have succeeded is ridiculous. The whole playerbase is unhappy. You made it so the only way to actually get anything good was to collect higher milestones and so you made money but almost all your customers feel ripped off. So you might have made out now but if other people feel like I do then just maybe you ruined it for next time. This event was hyped up for so long and I'm done listening to the lies from kabam.
We just wanted to take a moment and address some of the concerns around our Banquet event this year as we see some of you are disappointed with the Superior Banquet Crystals in particular.
We wanted to move more of the rewards to the milestones, while keeping 7-star relevant rewards in the crystals as you build up your tracks in the various milestones between solo and alliance-based events. Our intention was to improve the experience over last year's event, and feel we have succeeded in that goal.
That being said, we want to make sure the game team sees and hears you, so please leave your constructive feedback on what you’d like to see changed. </blockquote By the way I don't see any positive feedback about this event anywhere from anyone that isn't associated with kabam. So what part of anything was so successful?
Quick question, are we still waiting for the big text, crashed announced some weeks before? When I missed it, I apologize. Can someone guide me to the respective conclusion, if available?
Quick question, are we still waiting for the big text, crashed announced some weeks before? When I missed it, I apologize. Can someone guide me to the respective conclusion, if available?
I mean, would anything he can say actually improve the situation?
Either they're gonna do something to please the people who are disappointed (and inevitably fail at pleasing everybody) or it's going to be something that the angriest folks will just interpret as "we investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing" - either way people are gonna be grumpy about it. Frankly it feels like it's better for everyone if they just move on without making any promises and try to do better next time.
Quick question, are we still waiting for the big text, crashed announced some weeks before? When I missed it, I apologize. Can someone guide me to the respective conclusion, if available?
I mean, would anything he can say actually improve the situation?
Either they're gonna do something to please the people who are disappointed (and inevitably fail at pleasing everybody) or it's going to be something that the angriest folks will just interpret as "we investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing" - either way people are gonna be grumpy about it. Frankly it feels like it's better for everyone if they just move on without making any promises and try to do better next time.
It still has the potential of a powder keg, I just need to know when to make the popcorn
We just wanted to take a moment and address some of the concerns around our Banquet event this year as we see some of you are disappointed with the Superior Banquet Crystals in particular.
We wanted to move more of the rewards to the milestones, while keeping 7-star relevant rewards in the crystals as you build up your tracks in the various milestones between solo and alliance-based events. Our intention was to improve the experience over last year's event, and feel we have succeeded in that goal.
That being said, we want to make sure the game team sees and hears you, so please leave your constructive feedback on what you’d like to see changed.
I think the experience was definitely improved, however that experience for most people has been a negative experience! So, yes, Kabam you have succeeded in providing a greater negative experience.
I don't think anyone can argue the point "everything in the crystals is 7* materials" - 100% truth!
I feel like a lot of frustration has come from comments like "there is no filler in these crystals" - 1,500 7* shards from a 10$/300 unit crystal is greatly considered filler by the community!
What could be changed?
1) Reduce the item drops - SBC had 30 items in according to the website post. 2) Move drop rates about to offer better chances at more spicy rewards without having to spend tens of thousands of dollars.
Let's take the 7* shards for example - 4 increments of 7* shards in the crystal with a total drop quantity of 27, 000 shards (1,500 / 3,000 / 7,500 / 15,000) with a drop rate of 13.44% or something like that I think it was (I don't remember seeing anywhere the drop rates for every drop in the crystal being completely broken down). Reduce the number of drops to 2 OR 3 - 15,000 and 10,000 OR 12,500, 7,500 and 5,000 and then take between 2-3% off of the drop rates and distribute it between some of the lower percentage drop rates: 7* Jess / 7* selectors / T7B / 7* AG Shards etc (basically anything that had a 5% or lower drop rate). Significantly reduce the T6cc drop rate from being 1/3 of the entire drop rate to at least 1/4 or lower - the total drop rate for all T6CC was 32.22%, including the fully formed but still under the category of T6CC. Reduce this to 25% or less and again distribute that among other items in the crystal.
These changes would then balance out the crystal, make all drops more worthwhile and provides more chance to get more of the chase drops for everyone.
Generally speaking - If people feel like they have a chance of winning, more people will play (and even pay). If people can see there is no chance to win, they won't play and definitely won't pay. Those who spend tens of thousands skew the results from the top and are not a representation of the wider community - they are going to pay and play regardless. So, when looking at data I feel like results would look VERY different if a chunk of the top spenders in the event were not included and the more "general" element of the community was analysed. Similarly, drop out a chunk from the bottom end of summoners.
Hello. I still plan on posting something and have a few things roughed out. However, as I mentioned in another post this year I'm going to wait for the data analysis to make sure my understanding is correct. I believe we are getting the analysis Jan 31, then it will take me a week or two to read it and update my thoughts about the event, so don't expect anything before mid Feb.
This was my first time hitting the banquet hard... first time in 8 years. Glad it all worked out. Kabam needs to remove the T5CC and the T6CC fragments (make it full crystal) and increase the drop rates for the better items
Now you can have 2 r4’s for fraction of the cost with valentines deals and epoch lol.
Crazy how chasing r4’s so easy in first 2 months now. It’s just 4th of July deals away and everyone will catch up if they willing to $pend fraction of what banquet costed you and many whales
Thanks for supporting the game but the game right now is in a bad state.
Kabam Crashed has assumed this role and is the conduit of information, Dave and K-mike can not interfere in the communication as that would make it worse ( for kabam). That is why they are silent in this. I am sure they are involved internally.
Crashed stated he would respond and address players concerns and issues. I hope it will be a response and willing to engage in discussion rather then a response recap and " this subject is closed " post.
Either they're gonna do something to please the people who are disappointed (and inevitably fail at pleasing everybody) or it's going to be something that the angriest folks will just interpret as "we investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing" - either way people are gonna be grumpy about it. Frankly it feels like it's better for everyone if they just move on without making any promises and try to do better next time.
I don't think anyone can argue the point "everything in the crystals is 7* materials" - 100% truth!
I feel like a lot of frustration has come from comments like "there is no filler in these crystals" - 1,500 7* shards from a 10$/300 unit crystal is greatly considered filler by the community!
What could be changed?
1) Reduce the item drops - SBC had 30 items in according to the website post.
2) Move drop rates about to offer better chances at more spicy rewards without having to spend tens of thousands of dollars.
Let's take the 7* shards for example - 4 increments of 7* shards in the crystal with a total drop quantity of 27, 000 shards (1,500 / 3,000 / 7,500 / 15,000) with a drop rate of 13.44% or something like that I think it was (I don't remember seeing anywhere the drop rates for every drop in the crystal being completely broken down).
Reduce the number of drops to 2 OR 3 - 15,000 and 10,000 OR 12,500, 7,500 and 5,000 and then take between 2-3% off of the drop rates and distribute it between some of the lower percentage drop rates: 7* Jess / 7* selectors / T7B / 7* AG Shards etc (basically anything that had a 5% or lower drop rate).
Significantly reduce the T6cc drop rate from being 1/3 of the entire drop rate to at least 1/4 or lower - the total drop rate for all T6CC was 32.22%, including the fully formed but still under the category of T6CC. Reduce this to 25% or less and again distribute that among other items in the crystal.
These changes would then balance out the crystal, make all drops more worthwhile and provides more chance to get more of the chase drops for everyone.
Generally speaking - If people feel like they have a chance of winning, more people will play (and even pay). If people can see there is no chance to win, they won't play and definitely won't pay. Those who spend tens of thousands skew the results from the top and are not a representation of the wider community - they are going to pay and play regardless. So, when looking at data I feel like results would look VERY different if a chunk of the top spenders in the event were not included and the more "general" element of the community was analysed. Similarly, drop out a chunk from the bottom end of summoners.
For convenience, here's the main post:
How much did you spend?
Now you can have 2 r4’s for fraction of the cost with valentines deals and epoch lol.
Crazy how chasing r4’s so easy in first 2 months now. It’s just 4th of July deals away and everyone will catch up if they willing to $pend fraction of what banquet costed you and many whales
Thanks for supporting the game but the game right now is in a bad state.
Page 6 of that post. Back on Jan 25th, in 2 parts, rather lengthy analysis.
Instead of here, which had really died down 1.5 weeks before the final analysis (before you revived it).