Hey Summoners,
We just wanted to take a moment and address some of the concerns around our Banquet event this year as we see some of you are disappointed with the Superior Banquet Crystals in particular.
We wanted to move more of the rewards to the milestones, while keeping 7-star relevant rewards in the crystals as you build up your tracks in the various milestones between solo and alliance-based events. Our intention was to improve the experience over last year's event, and feel we have succeeded in that goal.
That being said, we want to make sure the game team sees and hears you, so please leave your constructive feedback on what you’d like to see changed.
We just wanted to take a moment and address some of the concerns around our Banquet event this year as we see some of you are disappointed with the Superior Banquet Crystals in particular.
We wanted to move more of the rewards to the milestones, while keeping 7-star relevant rewards in the crystals as you build up your tracks in the various milestones between solo and alliance-based events. Our intention was to improve the experience over last year's event, and feel we have succeeded in that goal.
That being said, we want to make sure the game team sees and hears you, so please leave your constructive feedback on what you’d like to see changed.
I guess we shouldn't expect to see a holiday gift on Christmas either this year...
There is a continued overvaluing of 7* champions. In old gifting events (and I do mean in the 6*R3 and earlier days) we could open 50 crystals and get several 6* champs worth of crystals, but in 50 crystals this round we might not even get one full 7* crystal. We won't even touch Titan crystals. I got 2k shards in 66 crystals (20k units worth of crystals). That's insane.
Because you can't give too much to TBs, it seems like Valiants got the short end because we are stuck sharing a prize pool with them. But that isn't just this event, it is fairly consistent across the game that Valiants will share what is ultimately reduced rewards in most content we get to play (but that's a conversation for another day).
The basement is too low, the ceiling is exciting, but our options are basement, 1st floor, or ceiling another 10 stories up and nothing in between. The scaling isn't reasonable because the drop rates lean too far in the direction of the basement.
I've never had good luck with banquet or gifting crystals, but I have never been this disappointed by a crystal opening. Had this event not been hyped as much as it was by Kabam, it may have been easier to digest. Overall, celebrating 10 years has been a great time, but it's ending on a sour note.
Apologies, but on what basis do you consider that the team have succeeded in that goal? A great deal of the playerbase isn’t angry, they are just completely let down that the event promising to be better than last year is yet again a let down.
Most of the materials rewarded (overwhelmingly, thanks to terrible reward weighting in the crystal) have been available and overstocked by many valiant players, fragments of full catalysts available for just 2000 Trophy Tokens in the BG store is worth 300 units in the teams estimation?
With all due respect, this is another let down, and it feels disrespectful to many users who have spent 10 years engaged with your game and community to measure success of events with zero regard to how the community, aka the living breathing heart of the game, feel.
It’s not good enough.
End-game players are literally the people keeping the game alive. Stop screwing us over.
With monthly calendar and daily super event we get more 7* shards than with 15k units for banquet crystals.
With mine 50 crystals I saw fragments, fragments.. then again fragments and in the end fragments again.
Now I'm gonna dream fragments
Sig stone drops+amounts made far too low as well. Again felt like filler with the amounts available
I think the event is largely mid… it’s not that bad but it definitely didn’t live up to a 10 year celebration.
Also… I feel lied to about the realm even not robbing from the alliance and solo events. It clearly feels like this was done yet again… which then makes me wonder what else was nerfed for the realm event. Another one of these leaving a bad taste
Of those 76 SBC's I got about 1800 t7. If I was to only get t7 from this event and no other event it would take over 60 years to form ONE t7 (I'll be long gone before that ONE is formed).... I didn't get enough to make a regular 7* crystal. And nothing of the special rewards even popped up.
I understand RNG is the reason, but 76 crystals should've had something cool in one of them...
Idk, maybe make crystals that are different for EACH progression level. Thronebreaker titled players shouldn't be with Valiant titled players.
i HOPE this is acknowledged and you guys make it right.
Kabam, do better!
My personal opinion is that the amount of catalysts in these crystals are way over the top. As a valiant since almost the beginning, I have no issues acquiring catalysts from day to day play. Where I am still struggling is champion acquisition. I’ve opened 40+ SBC crystals, and I’ve been able to get 1 of the key champs (waste IMO), 3 basic 7* (which were all pointless sigs) and 0 titans. All but 5k of those shards came from milestones.I spent over 10k units and got 1 new champ (who I already have r5a as a 6*). What I do have though is 3 t4a expiring and a ton of t3a and t6b expiring. While RNG obviously plays a factor, the chances of getting a nexus 7* or the special selector are far too low. In addition, a base pool selector in the milestones (even if you had to spend 6k+ to get) would have been amazing. I now have to rank up champs that I don’t want to because that’s better than letting the catalysts expire.
It just feels that so much of these rewards are lacking for the hype, the amount we have to spend and the months spent grinding for units. While the previous iterations of the Banquet have been a lot of hype as well, this one seemed to be extra hyped as “better than ever” by the game team. It is not better than ever. It feels more like a Deadpoolies type of event than the “grand banquet” which so many look forward to every year.
I hope this feedback helps and while I expect it’s too late to do anything this year about it, hopefully it will be adjusted moving forward.
This is second year in a row that the “vibes” around the banquet have been bad. So saying that “we met our goal” seems to say we don’t really put a lot of emphasis on the players feelings about the game. I don’t think that’s true but the optics make you think that way. I am not quite sure that is what Kabam wants, sour feelings after a very successful and fun 10 year anniversary celebration.
Obviously, the amount of money that is spent will be the true indicator of success but please be aware of the “goodwill” factor as well.
I just hope we make all the Realm Rewards.
This is textbook filler. The vast majority of circles that I interact with have only received/opened terrible rewards. This event was hyped as the grand banquet, an event to end all events, celebrating 10 years of the game, and the main way we interact with the event is lackluster.
Whether it’s compensation, or a tune up to the drop rates, I firmly believe that this would show the community that you care about the amount of time and effort we put into the game.
Side note, I do appreciate all that you do for the game and the amount of feedback you have to wade through.
I'm not even angry, I'm just disappointed...