
  • LV426LV426 Member Posts: 5
    Definitely not angry. It’s just a game after all. Just highly disappointed after saving and grinding for the better part of the year for the banquet event, buying over 20k units during Cyber weekend and the daily cards. I’m definitely scaling back until I see some serious restitution in response to this overly-promoted debacle. Looking for specific feedback? ***Me gesturing broadly***
  • CerebriumCerebrium Member Posts: 131
    I think the rewards are great. You get some good rewards and some normal ones. But we received a boost to help increase some of our champions levels that would have taken months if not years.

    Also remember that “if everyone is a super hero, then no one one will be” 😁

    So we are all receiving the same types of rewards then everyone is still at the same level. For example, recently we all received either 10 x 6* or 7* champions. Well all your opponents also received the same things. So you are no better off.

    It is a perception that makes you feel good 👍
  • Allegro71Allegro71 Member Posts: 9
    I got the material necessary to become Valiant, so I can’t complain, but looking at the new (to me) store prices, the Superior crystals are now very underwhelming. In past years, I always got some wow factor for my account. This year I filled my inventory with rank up material. Useful? Yeah. Worth the 7500 units I spent? Not sure.

    To put this in terms you’ll understand: I was ready to drop the $70 CAD on the Banquet bundle. But I won’t, based on opening my first 30-ish crystals. In the past I almost always spent money on this event (once I dropped a few hundreds) so it’s not that I won’t spend. This year it feels like a waste.
  • Cutch_town_999Cutch_town_999 Member Posts: 5
    Disappointed dissatisfied disillusioned

    I’m done whaling personally maybe I’ll start again when r4 material drops are actually worth it because this was pathetic

    Cyber event was good value this however was daylight robbery especially if the realm event that you said wasn’t going to effect the actual rewards isn’t completed

    Over 27k units plus 200 spent on the crystal deals not to mention the tickets I amassed buying daily’s and weekly’s I feel that it was nowhere near worth it unless you class t6 stuff high value which is quite frankly laughable for me and holds no progression value for my account at all

    It is what it is tho I guess it’s done now all the hype about the grand banquet and I go back to my first 3 words of my comment cheers 🥂
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  • CaboDestro1CaboDestro1 Member Posts: 57
    I'm saving my units for Cyber weekend and 4th July from now on. Not looking forward to Banquet crystal event anymore. Hopefully something changes with these crystals. Not the way I wanted to celebrate 10th year of this great game. Appreciate the free 7 stars. Will only really use 1.
  • V3nomV3nom Member Posts: 11
    You want to put mire in the milestones but make it harder for people who don't spend our can't spend much to get the better stuff. The amount of units needed to get the milestones is ridiculous especially a couple weeks after cyber weekend. Make it more achievable than hey go spend 500 dollars to get to the top.
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,754 ★★★★★
    First, let’s start with just the general event.

    The grand banquet 2024 : when these details were released, the community was torn, however they gave it a chance, and for the hype, and what it was made out to be, after all it is the GRAND banquet, it was just…bad. The realm events milestones were good, but only in the end. Overall is has an amazing premise, low level/okay rewards for players who are new progression and need the stuff, then better stuff at the end for players who are better and need better stuff. It SOUNDS great, but the execution isn’t all there, the so called non filler, is absolutely filler. However, something not many people have mentioned is that I’m glad there is NO relic stuff, you guys did good on this. The fact that we can obtain things only for 7*/6* is good, but there’s just too much of things that we do need, that makes it not good if that makes sense, do we need t6b and t3a? Yes, do we need so much of this stuff? Absolutely not, there should have been just enough for us to make 2 1-2, or instead of that 1 or 2 2-3, there was no reason to include SO MUCH of this stuff and the t5cc ( looking at you @JLordVileJ haha ) into this event, This logic applies to the solo event as well, I actually LIKE the alliance event, as I feel it actually have less filler, things in the future that can be changed are things like reducing the t6b and t3a, and t5cc, do we need this stuff for rank ups, again YES, do we need so much, NO. Instead of these we can implement things like t6cc selectors, or just straight up crystals. I’m sure so many people struggle with getting t6cc for ranking up 2-3, that this stuff would have been more useful. I’m not saying that there shouldn’t have been any, it is okay to have splashed in there, but too much is just crazy. You guys should have stopped around like milestone 6 or something for this stuff.

    The superior banquet crystals : this one pains me, because I REALLY do like the idea of this, to have a crystal made for tb and above, I’m not a fan of including tb into late progression titles, as getting tb is sorta easy. You don’t even need any rank ups. That’s not the point, this is about the sbc itself, which is just BAD, straight up this crystal is just bad, you need heavens sent luck for this stuff to roll you good, or just buy a bunch of them for you to good/ mid things, I see why the drop rates were never released. The player base would have gone crazy. For a crystal meant to strengthen f2p is doesn’t do what it’s meant too. Ways to fix this is just to fix the drop rates, and I know it’s hard, but find a way to compensate, give everyone there units back, would it be near impossible to fix because of the realm event and the solo+milestone ? Yeah…but I don’t think even the 2023 faced this much backlash. Even then you guys stated you would do better, and I see that you guys really did try, it just ended up being disappointing for players.

    This event I feel wasn’t as whale focused, you guys tried to buff f2p, but to do so you assumed everyone was a strong f2p, pretty much saying that they didn’t even need buff.

    Thats my constructive criticism, and I’ve spent pretty much all day on forums, this is a bit of what everyone says I feel.
  • K1950K1950 Member Posts: 2
    The main takeaway being, kabam this sucks, I feel scammed, please fix this.
  • Moneymike128Moneymike128 Member Posts: 74
    I don't have much of a right to complain. I opened about 50 crystals and pulled 2 full titans, the really cool selector, and assembled enough 7* shards to pop 3-4 crystals.

    My point of sadness is that out of all of those crystals, I duped Spider-Gwen twice, Emma Frost once, Enchantress once, and Superior Iron Man once. (First world problems, I know).

    The one thing I always crave out of these events is a small leg-up on the RNG that we're beholden to for the rest of the year.

    I think it'd be cool if there were more nexus/selector-type crystals in the rewards. The rewards wouldn't need a buff per-se, just people having a little bit more choice from the pool than they'd normally get.
  • EdwxnEdwxn Member Posts: 215 ★★
    Absolutely shambolic I must say... Thoroughly disappointed, wasted around 3k units this year, and I can safely say I'll be spending on the cyber weekend deals next year and not the banquet event.

    Quite unfortunate, had so much potential for a GRAND banquet and they've scuffed it.
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